The Caring Way The Caring Way Summer 2023 Edition | Page 22

Easier said than done : taking some time off

Have a break , take a holiday !
Unpaid carers play a vital role in supporting and caring for their loved ones , but it is important to also take time off and have a break to recharge and take care of your own well-being .
Planning and preparing for a holiday can be challenging for carers , as they may worry about leaving the person they care for in the hands of someone else . It also goes without saying that budgets often don ’ t stretch to include holidays . However , taking a holiday as an unpaid carer can have many benefits .
The upside of downtime First and foremost , a well-earned break can help carers recharge their batteries and provide some valuable breathing space for the relationships involved in the care situation . It is important for carers to remember that they deserve some “ me-time ” and to not overdo it . If you ’ re going with the person you care for , keeping routines and familiarities in place , such as regular mealtimes , can help reduce pressure and ease the transition for them . Carers should always trust their instincts and feel free to change their plans if they feel it is no longer appropriate . It is also important for carers to ask for help and be clear about how others can assist them . There is no shame in admitting that being a carer can be difficult and seeking support from others in similar situations can provide comfort and assistance .
Planning When planning a holiday , to ease any unwanted stressors , it can be helpful to plan ahead to ensure everything is organised and the person you care for is equipped with additional medication and supplies . If carers are mindful of the needs of the person they care for , such as transportation and accommodation , and make sure to research and carefully plan any trips , things should go smoothly .
In case of emergency It is a good idea to create an emergency care plan that has all the necessary information about the care recipient ’ s needs and take a copy with them on the trip . By planning ahead , seeking support from others and contacting support organisations such as Carer Gateway , carers can have peace of mind while they are away and return feeling refreshed and ready to resume their caregiving duties .
For more information about creating an Emergency Care Plan , go to carergateway . gov . au / planning By planning ahead , seeking support from others and contacting support organisations such as Carer Gateway , carers can have peace of mind while they are away and return feeling refreshed and ready to resume their caregiving duties .
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