This new initiative from Barwon Health seeks to help carers and their loved ones dealing with memory loss . It involves creating a Life Book – a meaningful tool for sharing details about their lives when they attend hospital or respite .
Barwon Health runs a group to support participants to create a Life Book containing special memories and photos that provide an insight into their life . Participants also complete a questionnaire to assess their needs and what matters most when they are entering hospital or respite . Barwon Health Carer Support Worker Linda Verhoeven said a Life Book can help to reduce confusion and anxiety around memory loss for carers , care recipients and staff . It can also be a great conversation starter for family and friends . “ People can include anything in the book that gives insight into a person ’ s journey through life , to help remember significant events and to prompt discussions on topics of interest ,” says Linda . “ Participants can include certificates , awards , photos of family and pets , poetry , funny quotes and drawings . Carers and their loved ones often take a lot of pride in their Life Books , and we have had wonderful feedback of them being shared with grandchildren and the lovely conversations that follow .” Eighty-four-year-old Ray , a former builder , was diagnosed with dementia two years ago and entered residential aged care last year . Ray ’ s wife of 26 years , Judy , described participating in the Life Book group as an enjoyable experience for them both . “ We photocopied photos and stuck in memories about Ray ’ s life including pictures of our family , the truck he used to drive when he had a business , photos of our dog Derek and other important things in our life ,” Judy said . “ Ray carries the book with him every day in the seat of his walker and it means people caring for him can see a snapshot into the kind of life he had before
“.. a Life Book can help to reduce confusion and anxiety around memory loss for carers .“
he became unwell . He has been the most wonderful husband to me .” Barwon Health CarerSupport hosts two Life Book groups per year . To attend , email
cs . events @ barwonhealth . org . au
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