The Caring Way edition 4 | Page 18


Carer Corner

Expressing ourselves through art

For Young Carers , the intricate balance between supporting loved ones with disability , a medical condition , mental illness or who is frail due to age while navigating the complexities of growing up has its challenges .
In this pair of emotive illustrations , artist Ziggy Grana conveys the Young Carers shared lived experiences , shedding light on the contrast of responsibility and identity and emphasising the crucial pursuit of rest and joy .
This expression is a collaboration with Carer Gateway ’ s first advisory group consisting exclusively of young people , all who have personal experience of being a carer .
Young carers play a vital role in society that often goes unnoticed . This expression encompasses their diverse commitments and roles , with each advocate ’ s story interwoven into the artwork .
It celebrates their identities , where their caring role is intertwined with their passions , choices and feelings of self . Sharing their perspectives and reflecting on how their journeys have shaped them as individuals , young carers emphasise that their caring roles and responsibilities defy a single definition .
The artwork showcases the challenges of navigating the
“ Being a young carer has shaped me into the person I am today and I wouldn ’ t change it ”.
demands of being a carer to a loved one , while exploring their identities as young people and individuals .
This project was part of VISIBLE – Pairing young people with artists to shine a light on their experiences of mental health challenges . Visible is a project co-designed and delivered by Australian Youth Advocates for Mental Health supported by Headspace National . You can find out more about the project on the website : www . visible . org . au
18 | The Caring Way