The Caring Way edition 4 | Page 16

How to juggle your career and your caring duties

When you ’ re a carer for a family member or friend , it can be challenging to balance your responsibilities with your career .
However , it ’ s important to remember that you ’ re not alone . Many people face this same challenge and there are resources available through Carer Gateway to help you manage your caring duties and your career .
One of the most important things you can do is be transparent with your employer about your caring responsibilities . This can help you work together to find solutions that work for both you and your employer . For example , negotiating flexible working hours or work from home options can allow you to manage your caring duties while still being able to work and earn an income .
16 | The Caring Way
Carer Gateway provide a range of services to support you in reaching your career goals while managing your caring duties . These include respite , carer coaching , online skills courses and other resources that can help you to manage your responsibilities more effectively and reduce your stress levels .
It ’ s also important to take advantage of any leave that your employer offers , such as sick leave , carer leave or vacation time . This can give you the time you need to manage your caring duties without having to worry about your job .
If you don ’ t have any leave available , you might want to consider talking to your employer about taking unpaid leave . This can give you more time to manage your responsibilities without having to worry about losing your job .
Finally , it ’ s important to take care of your own wellbeing . Caring for a family member or friend can be emotionally and physically draining , so it ’ s important to take time for yourself . This might mean taking a break from your caring duties to do something you enjoy , such as going for a walk or reading a book .
It ’ s also important to make time for exercise , healthy eating and getting enough sleep .
By being transparent with your employer , using Carer Gateway resources , taking advantage of leave and taking care of your own wellbeing , you can begin to manage your responsibilities more effectively and reduce your stress levels .
Remember , you ’ re not alone .