Preparing for life after caring
At some time , your role as a carer might end . You may have to adjust to changes and ‘ rebuild ’ your life when you are no longer a carer .
Grief is a natural response to any loss . That loss might be a death , or it might be for the loss of the person as you knew them . If you ’ re grieving , remember that you ’ re not alone and help is available . Grief is an individual experience , and there is no right way or set time to grieve . Even if a death is expected , you may still feel sad , fearful or panicky . It ’ s also normal to feel relief , or to feel no emotions at all . There is no right or wrong way to feel . Grief has no timeline . Grieving can continue for some time , even for many years . Some people find that physical and emotional exhaustion catches up with them and they might feel ill or very tired for a while . Try to be kind to yourself and forgive others who may not know what to say or how to support you . Don ’ t bottle it up . Find someone to talk with , whether that ’ s a family member , friend , professional counsellor or bereavement support group . Don ’ t be afraid to cry .
Carer Gateway can help
Carer Gateway also can provide support when a person ’ s caring role ends . Call Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737 to find out about services and support available to you .
What to do when you are no longer a carer
The time will come when you are ready to think about what ’ s next .
Research shows that carers can give up activities and lose contact with friends and their community .
Try to follow your interests , reconnect with family and friends , and make new friends .
Grampians Health Ballarat provides workshops that can help ! See ‘ What ’ s happening in Carer Gateway ’ on page 4 .
Getting help with grief
Many organisations and services can help you to manage grief :
• Lifeline – call 13 11 14
• Kids Helpline ( for Young Carers ) – call 1800 55 1800
• Beyond Blue – call 1300 22 4636
• Griefline – call 1300 845 745
14 | The Caring Way