4. Take over forcibly
5. Carers figuratively walk through this to access a world of free support
7. A small body of water
8. Blue and red mixed together makes?
10. Brightened, with "up"
12. Colour of cowardice
15. A sunken shaft
16. The title holder
17. Red and white edible root vegitable
18. Capital city of France
21. Written material
22. Intense fear or disgust
24. Just _ I expected
1. Provide with necessary gear
2. To argue
3. Narrow part of the body
6. Came down
7. To inflict penalty
9. Red Sesame Street puppet
11. Populous nation
13. Where the sun sets
14. To take a break
17. AM/FM device
19. Park or forest keeper
20. Futuristic servants
23. To restore confidence
25. Grim fate
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