discuss the year 2015
Jane Ridder-Patrick
ather than specu-
lating about what
might happen, the
more interesting ques-
tion for me in looking
to the year ahead is
the pro-active one that
bridges the gap between focusing solely
on personal transits and engaging in world
events: ‘What contribution can I, and each
of us as individuals, make to society at this
time?’ So I’d like to look at the 2015 eclips-
es, Moon’s nodes, retrograde planets, outer
planet signs and aspects with that query
in mind.
There’s a strong emphasis on cardinal,
but especially Aries-Libra, energy in 2015
with the North Node in Libra most of the
year, total lunar eclipses in Libra (4 April)
and Aries (28 September), and, of course,
the last of seven Uranus in Aries squares
to Pluto in Capricorn (17th March.) As
Aries themes include pioneering, initiative,
risk-taking and confronting authority, while
Libra stands for relating, justice, peace and
civilization and Capricorn for governance,
questions revolve around the nature of
society we want to have.
The 2015 Mercury retrogrades (21 Jan
to 11 Feb, Aquarius; 19 May to 11 June,
Gemini; 17 September to 9 October, Libra)
are all in air, whose impetus is towards par-
ity, equity and equality suggesting that an
audit on our ethics is called for.
Venus R in Leo (25 July to 6 September)
is a call to assess the authenticity of per-
sonal values, a useful check as Jupiter
leaves the sign.
Virgo and Pisces are also emphasized.
The solar eclipses are in Pisces (total 20
March) and Virgo (partial 13 September).
Jupiter is in Virgo from mid-August, with
the North Node there too from mid-No-
vember, while Neptune is in Pisces and on
26th November is squared by Saturn. Here
questions of practical and empathetic ser-
vice are raised, while the Saturn-Neptune
square demands some concrete expression
of the notion that we are all one.
Finally, Saturn’s final months in Scorpio
from mid-June till mid-September gives a
last call to dig deeply into ancient secrets
before turning the scrutiny on morals and
the beliefs we live by in Sagittarius.
So here are a few checklist questions for
1. Where and how do I have influence,
big or small, in matters of social jus-
tice, conflict and governance?
2. How can I live the change I’d like to
see in my relationships, both person-
al and public?
3. Am I living an ethical life?
4. Where and how can I be of service?
5. What should I be speaking out
6. What do I really believe in?
7. What am I going to do about the
The last word goes to Rainer Maria Rilke.
Have patience with everything unre-
solved in your heart and try to love the
questions themselves as if they were locked
rooms or books written in a very foreign
language. Live the questions now. Perhaps
then, someday far in the future, you will
gradually, without even noticing it, live your
way into the answer.
Sue Morris
rowing food and
medicinal herbs
is a valuable way of
planting seeds on
many levels. Whether
we set seeds literally
or metaphorically we set
intention for the future. Gardening for
me is genuine act of planting intention,
sustaining optimism and preparing for
the future. As an astrologer, gardener and
herbalist who publishes a “Planting and
Living by the Moon” calendar annually,
much of my time is spent planning for
the year ahead. What will the prevailing
celestial weather conditions be? What
herbal medicine will best suit the condi-
tions for the future?
2014 was a year of abundance. Jupiter
in Cancer and Saturn in Scorpio supported
favorable growing conditions with ample
rain and no long periods of heat in most
of the US (except parched California) and
OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
food prices fell as a result of good weather
conditions. While harvesting an abundance
of food from my garden in 2014 I heard
an inner voice counselling me not to take
abundance for granted. As if the plants
were messengers I will heed their guidance
and plan for 2015 accordingly.
Looking to the Vernal Equinox of 2015
as an indicator of conditions for the
growing season ahead, the moon in Aries
conjunct Mars and Uranus sets the stage,
both in exact square to Pluto. With Jupiter
and Saturn also in fire signs the indicators
point to hotter, drier conditions, perhaps
stormy and extreme and depending on
where you are. Unfavorable conditions for
planting crops due to heat, draught, wind
storms and extreme weather may prevail.
Whereas in 2014 there was no need to set
out rain barrels, in 2015 I plan to set out
a few extra to capture what could be pre-
cious little rainfall.
And what to grow??? Extreme weather
conditions and climate change under-
scores the danger of diminishing resources
and deteriorating economic conditions as
a result. Plan for draught resistant plants,
coupled with plants that will provide much
needed antioxidant and antibiotic proper-
ties to treat potential increased outbreaks
of disease.
With Jupiter in Leo plan to grow herbs
that strengthen the heart and the circu-
latory system such as rosemary, garlic,
marigolds, salvia and St John’s Wort.
Plants such as cayenne and hot peppers
stimulate the heart and circulation; red
clover, hops, and sassafras help to purify
the blood. Ginger is a powerful circulatory
stimulant which comes under the rulership
of Mars. These plants are able to be grown
in hot, dry conditions.
Heat spells also change behavior. With
every degree the temperature rises peo-
ple’s tempers are known to rise, people get
“fired” up. The hotter the weather the more
fiery people are according to Evolutionary
psychologist Douglas Ken rick. Hopefully
Neptune’s journey through Pisces will bal-
ance and temper the fiery array of planets
in the first half of 2015, enabling us to enjoy
bounty and abundance.
Weather, food prices, temperaments, and
a sense of abundance are all interconnect-
ed. Using common sense, appropriate plan-
V23 -04 2014