The Career Astrologer 2 2015 | Page 8

VENUS RETROGR ADE A Summertime Venus Retrograde F by Moon Zlotnick or about six weeks this summer, from July 25, 2015 until September 6, Venus will provide us with some beau- tiful celestial viewing as she travels in retrograde motion from 0 degrees of Virgo back to the 14th degree of Leo. During a retrograde period Venus appears to travel in reverse motion against the backdrop of stars. This is not real planetary motion, but it cre- ates the illusion of doing so from our vantage point here on Earth. Retrograde planets take us away from the traditional external focus of the planet and Venus Retrograde in Leo Summer 2015 by Anne Ortelee V enus is going to be retrograde in Leo. Venus enters Leo on June 5, 2015. She enters her shadow phase at 14:23 Leo. The shadow phase gives each of us a sneak peak and sample of our upcoming Venus retrograde journey on June 21, 2015 at the summer solstice. Venus stations to turn retrograde at 0:46 Virgo on July 25, 2015. She moves retrograde, appearing to reverse her steps, The Career Astrologer direct that energy inward, towards introspec- tion and deeper understanding. For example, people born with a retrograde Venus tend to give their hearts cautiously. During this period of time there can be a change or slowing of romantic feelings, particularly in new relation- ships. When Venus turns retrograde we all are invited to slow down and reevaluate; we may experience a different perspective on the rela- tionships with all the people we love. This will be more intense for people born with person- al planets or angles from 14 degrees of Leo to 0 degrees of Virgo. Venus is more than the planet of romantic love. She also presides over friendships, as well as all expressions of beauty. During a retrograde period romantic relationships may stay the same but insights into friendships can bring about change. For people working in the arts, this period is excellent for going back to renew old pieces, make revision of all kinds, and go more deeply into already existing proj- ects. Even though Venus retrograde may slow or inhibit external results, not the best time for an art show, or opening