The Career Astrologer 2 2015 | Seite 5

VENUS RETROGR ADE NOREN-HOSHAL since 1987, such as Bill Clinton ( a Leo Sun,) Nelson Mandela ( a late Cancer Sun) and Barack Obama (A Leo Sun) exemplify the heart-centered approach of this era that began with the Harmonic Convergence. While Obama was not elected until November 4th, 2008, he announced his can- didacy on May 2nd, 2007 and did the bulk of his campaigning between August of 2007 and November of 2008. Oprah Winfrey the Leonian “Queen of the Airwaves” made her first campaign appearances for Obama in December of 2007, during the Leo Morning Star VSP. Celebrity Culture first got its start in the late 1980s and reached gigantic propor- tions in 2007 when Hilton Hotels heiress Paris Hilton was arrested for driving under the influence. Like a spoiled princess, she snubbed her nose at the law and broke her probation several times before final- ly serving a very reduced sentence. The words “above the law” took on new mean- ing during this period which also saw the on-again, off-again rehabs and incarcera- tions of teen screen idol Lindsay Lohan. The Sabian Symbol for 23 degrees Leo is A Bareback Rider. This is a symbol of man’s absolute mastery of his immediate world of experience and of his ability to capitalize on any special function of life with which he is concerned. The housing bubble of the early 2000’s is also very Leo VSP oriented in that banks worldwide took huge risks at selling mort- gages to those unable to pay for them. The Leo concept of gambling and risk is seen to have come to a negative end when housing prices peaked in 2006 and then crashed most notably in September and October of The Career Astrologer By vargas2040 [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons 2007 just as the Leo VSP dawned. The cred- it crisis resulting from the bursting of the housing bubble is—according to general consensus—the primary cause of the 2007– 2009 recession in the United States. The Leo VSP of August 15th 2015 to June 6th of 2016 is likely to re-visit the themes of spiritual inspiration, heart-centered lead- ers, financial and scientific risk-taking, new sources of energy, new sources of wealth, and plenty of shocking celebrity gossip to keep us busy. The Royals of England have been making news over the past two years with the royal wedding and the births of William and Kate’s new prince and princess. There are those who say that Prince Charles will never rule and that Prince William will take over after Elizabeth the II’s end to her 63-year plus rule. The world has never known such a long- lived ruler since Queen Victoria who reigned for 63 years 216 days.  As per Wikipedia, On 10 September 2015, Elizabeth II will, if still reigning, surpass the reign of her great- great-grandmother Victoria. Locate 23 degrees Leo in your chart to see what house this VSP will impact in a heart-centered, risk-taking way for you. Look for planetary conjunctions or aspects to the 23 degree Leo point for further clues as to how this nine- and-a -half month period will inspire you and draw you in to taking risks. OPA’s Quarterly Magazine The Sabian Symbol for 23 degrees Leo is A Bareback Rider. This is a symbol of man’s absolute mastery of his immediate world of experience and of his ability to capitalize on any special function of life with which he is concerned. There are illimitable opportu- nities for the human spirit to dramatize its personal achievement or aspiration and to do this in the way that is most effective. The keyword is “Audacity.” When positive, the degree is uncompromising courage in the everyday business of living and assurance in meeting the problems of a modern society. It sounds like we have an inspiring nine- and-a-half month period on the horizon. It’s time to practice our Roars in anticipation of August 15th! Kari Noren-Hoshal is an evolutionary astrologer in Baltimore, Maryland. She teachers a two-year internship program and publishes an in-depth monthly astrology column which can be seen on her facebook and on www.sivanaspiritblog. com. Kari is a former VP for Programming of the Baltimore Astrological Society. She has presented her views on astrology at UAC, NORWAC, the River of Stars and at NCGR chapters in the Mid-Atlantic. Kari is the Director of Programming of the White Bison Association as well as Secretary to the board. To contact Kari call 410-662-4676 or email her at [email protected]. Her website is www. R V24 -02 JUNE SOLSTICE 2015 page 5