The Career Astrologer 2 2015 | страница 3

VENUS RETROGR ADE A New Venus Star Point is Born the Twenty-first Century, Arielle Guttman examines the Venus/Sun cycle and the ways in which it influence our life energy. August 15, 2015 to June 6th, 2016 by T Kari Noren-Hoshal he month of August is a time of change this year. From January to mid-August we are experiencing a potent fire sign trine with Jupiter in Leo, Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries. The party would seem to be over when this audacious outer-planet trine dissolves and Jupiter moves into Virgo on August 12th. But a new fire-sign ener- gy comes to take its place. On Saturday, August 15th, at the mid-point of the Venus retrograde, a Star is born. This Star, is a Venus Star Point at 23 degrees Leo. This Venus Star Point forms as the degrees of the Leo Sun and Venus in Leo align, making an inferior conjunction. Because of Venus’ 3.394% tilt in relation to the Earth, this conjunction will not be visible since the Sun, Venus and Earth will lie in dif- ferent declinations, BUT, the influence of the new Leo Venus Star Point will be felt! Every 9.5 months the Sun and Venus make either an inferior conjunction (on the near side of the Sun in relation to Earth) or a supe- rior conjunction (on the far side.) Thus, the Venus Star Points alternate between what we call “Morning Stars” and “Evening Stars,” respectively. The Venus Sta r Points are a new cos- mology developed by astrologer Arielle Guttman, over her 10 years plus of per- sonal study of Venus and its relationship to the Sun and Earth. In her 2010 book, Venus Star Rising: A New Cosmology for The Career Astrologer The ancient Greeks observed two distinct Venus or Aphrodite Types: • “Aphrodite Pandemos”: A Morning Star Amazon intent on exerting her will and protect- ing her property (because she is closest to Earth and earthly concerns.) • “Aphrodite Urania”: An Evening Star Spiritualist whose concerns are contemplative and diplomatic (in her phase farthest from Earth and closer to “the heavens.”) In Mayan astrology, the study of Venus is second only to the study of the Sun & Moon. In one story, Venus went into the under- world (retrograde) where it was embraced in the Sun’s fiery heart. After 40 days, Venus emerged (went direct) as a warrior, dripping with blood and ready for battle. Thus Mayan Morning Star cycles coincided with periods in which Mayan armies went to war with other tribes or were on alert to possible invasions from other tribes. Conversely, Mayan Evening Star cycles were considered peaceful times in which to concentrate on agriculture and commerce through diplomatic relations with other tribes. Forty-day cycles are referred to often in the Bible. The period of Lent, for example, is a time of atonement and self-discipline before Passover and Easter. Moses is referred to hav- ing gone onto the mountain for 40 days and nights with God, coming back triumphantly with the Ten Commandments. The Great Flood is referred to lasting 40 days to cleanse the Earth of impurities. The sign of your Venus Star Point, com- bined with the house it occupies and its OPA’s Quarterly Magazine designation as either a Morning Star or Evening Star, brings new layers of meaning to a reading of the birth chart. Dane Rudhyar observed that people born as a Morning Star, Venus embodied “Projection” of an individual vision and purpose, to follow one’s own instinctive urges leading to tensions with dominant social paradigms.” In Rudhyar’s view, these people seem more ready to cre- ate their own power by boldly stating their goals and moving toward them, regardless of a lack of being “groomed” for the position. These self-affirming individuals are ready to compete for power based on personal beliefs. Rudhyar’s view of those born under Venus as an Evening Star embodied “A tendency to fol- low and reinforce traditional values in action and deed.” These people were more often “tapped” for positions of power after proving themselves by coming up through the ranks. The natural authority and diplomacy of these individuals is highly prized by their superiors because it has clearly been earned. For information about the character of your Venus Star Point (VSP) refer to Arielle Guttman’s book, in which she describes the character of each VSP in detail. She also describes how it behaves in seeking and maintaining romantic relationships. A detailed description of historical events taking place during the cyclical re-emergence of each VSP between 1750 and 2049 comprises a section of the book. The sign of your Venus Star Point, combined with the house it oc- cupies and its designa- tion as either a Morn- ing Star or Evening Star, brings new layers of meaning to a reading of the birth chart. The Venus /Sun conjunction cycle moves in a clockwise fashion around the circle of the ecliptic. Contact is made every 9.5 months. Each contact is called a “Venus Star Point.” Like the current Venus/Earth Synodic Series, V24 -02 JUNE SOLSTICE 2015 page 3