Astrologer OPA ’ s Quarterly Magazine V24-02 JUNE SOLSTICE 2015 page 26
The Astrology of
Spiritual Impact
Notable People Who Speak from Beyond the Waking Dream
Column by
Wiliam Sebrans
What do Ramana Maharshi , Krishnamurti , Ram Dass , Rudolph Steiner , George Gurdieff , Osho , Deepak Chopra , Byron Katie , Ranier M Rilke , Eckhart Tolle , Nisargadatt , Ken Wilber , Alan Watts , Ammachi , Gangaji , Walt Whitman , Johann Goethe , Yogananda – all have in common ?
They have , to a greater or lesser degree , awakened from the dream of mechanical unconscious life and , in their way of being in the world , imparted an energy of pure presence that raises us up .
As astrologers and eager students of the Mystery in action , we might inquire :
~ What predisposes a person to awaken to their true nature beyond the mechanical inclinations of personality and the conditioning patterns by the outside influences of the world that secure them ? And , if such a transformation in someone takes place by whatever force , what creates the inner and outer environment that allows his or her awakening to significantly impact the world ?
~ How will the impact manifest according to their unique dispositions and role , as a teacher , artist , or as a collective leader ?
~ Can astrology with its masterful , archetypal language identify patterns that suggest an awakening spirit and one who will further impact the collective ?
This series of articles will take a friendly and deeply curious look at these lively questions . In so doing , perhaps we will further enlighten ourselves as to the myriad flavors of awakening that are available in a human life . This investigation may also instruct us how the various elements of our astrological language can manifest at increasingly higher levels of expression or frequency , – similar to the 3 Gunas in Vedic lore corresponding to Tamas , Rajas , Sattva ; where each of the planetary and sign archetypes are available for interpretation and impact at a spectrum of levels from dense shadow to everyday gift to divine gift .
As we go about our terrestrial business , it is salutary for us to note our biases . The Cosmos responds benignly to these kinds of good manners . In regard to our subject here , I offer 5 personal biases in regard to the overarching theme of awakening and spiritual impact : 1 . It is not possible to know the evolutionary state of a soul from a chart Maybe someone can do it , perhaps with intuitive wizardry , but I cannot , and everyone I know cannot . If such is your expertise , contact me immediately – because we have business for you ! Whatever the configurations , all ‘ charts ’ ( aka people ) are available for evolution and profound transformation .
2 . Given the just mentioned bias , then it must be true that two infants born with exactly the same birth chart will manifest their lives in utterly unique ways . And that said , it is also true there are in fact predispositions that incline one to be a seeker of higher truth and a longer for transcendent connection , or , at least to be the ready if unwitting recipient of illuminating Divine Whacks . That is , whatever the configurations , all ‘ charts ’ and therefore people are available for evolution and profound transformation .
3 . The predispositions to ‘ seeking ’ and to being transformed can often , but not always , be seen in a chart .
4 . Anyone with major spiritual impact – who raises the consciousness of many individuals to increasing higher level of consciousness - nearly always has astrological factors that are observable as being the influence of the transpersonal planets on personal planets and key angles .
5 . There is no standard behavioral code or standard of personality that fits for the awakened condition ! Being nice , communicative , powerful , have high endurance , artful , of pointed intelligence , competent are not required ! The consistent theme , independent of these virtues that exists among the awakened , is that of the witnessing Presence dictating their response to Life , rather than the body functions or the discursive mind . Outside of that ... it is all fair game .
Concluding this section , let the congregation please rise to the following fertile musing from Sri Yuketswar , Yogananda ’ s guru and noted Vedic astrologer and See-er .
“ A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma . His horoscope is a challenging portrait , revealing his unalterable past and its probable future results . But , the natal chart can be rightly interpreted only by men of intuitive wisdom : these are few .”
Ram Dass
“ If you want to know how enlightened you are , go spend a week with your parents .”
Ram Dass was born April 6 , 1931 as Richard Alpert at 10:40 am in Boston , Massachusetts .
Definitions :
Mensch – Yiddish for a decent guy of goodwill you can count on . Individual Planets and Signs : You are on your own ? What does this mean ? Background Growing up in a liberal well-to-do Jewish household , he emerged as one of the seminal spiritual pioneers who came out of the trippy cocktail of altered states that marked the 1960 ’ s . That period was formatted by a Pluto / Uranus conjunction in Virgo and marked by enlightened expansion , delusional aspiration , and also in a break with the old order .
A cohort of Timothy Leary at Harvard U , Richard developed an intimate relationship
The Career
Astrologer OPA ’ s Quarterly Magazine V24-02 JUNE SOLSTICE 2015 page 26