The Career Astrologer 2 2015 | Page 20

(chart ruler) and other planetary connec- tions. A new and shadow/reflection part of Mr. Sheen’s experience of self can be found in the transits and secondary aspects to his Antiscia points. A key occurrence is that natal Antiscia Pluto and natal Antiscia Saturn are in opposition and the progressed Ascendant forms a T-Square to those points. This shows the Saturn/Pluto battle in his natal Antiscia chart (lifelong aspect) is now squared by his secondary progressed Ascendant. It is as if Mr. Sheen projects the inner shadow struggle between Saturn and Pluto through his current personality path (progressed Ascendant.) There are quite a few other Antiscia point connections, such as progressed Mars/Venus square Antiscia Venus and progressed Jupiter conjunct Antiscia point Jupiter. By transit or secondary progression, Antiscia point orbs are not more than 2 degrees applying and one degree separat- ing. The Antiscia planet point receives the nature of the transit or progression and sends the “shadow or reflection” to the same natal planet. The natal planet will experience the “shadow or reflection” and act in a way of the Antiscia point planet and the nature of the aspecting planet in exploring the shadow/reflection. I currently have no research completed using solar arc, primary, or tertiary directions with the Antiscia, however it seems likely these valid forecasting tools hold promise and are worthy of further research. In conclusion, I ask the reader to experi- ment using Antiscia points, especially with partners’ spouses and friends. Place their Antiscia chart on a bi-wheel with your natal chart in the center and find the connections. Most likely you will discover shadow con- nections in your chart with the other person. Its action in the relationship will often chal- lenge you to act differently and in ways not expected. The Career Astrologer Were there periods in your life where you acted unlike your regular self or were told by others that you were acting “different”? It could have been a period where people stayed away from you or reached out to you. These are indications that transits or progressions were activating your Antiscia points. By observing the events and behaviors of clients or others we can perhaps the journey people take when the Antiscia is in in action. These events and their sometime extreme action are not easily seen with our common tools of natal or forecasting tools. It’s all about our individual journey in life both in society and with the deeper reaches of or personality and the experience of our inner selves, our hidden selves and our instinctual animal self (libido.) Being “fully” human is to experience all we can. Endnotes: 1 “The Antiscia of the Greeks has been handed down by tradition. I do not wish anyone to think that the Greeks have not discussed this. For even OPA’s Quarterly Magazine Ptolemy followed no other theory but that of Antiscia, Antiochus said that indeed Libra did not see Aries because the Earth was in the middle, as if through a mirror, reached the theory of the Antiscia. Dorotheus of Sidon, on the other hand, a very wise man who wrote about forecasting by the stars in very accurate and learned verses, explained the calculation of the Antiscia in clear terms in his fourth book.” Julius Firmicus Maternus, The Mathesis: Ancient Astrology Theory and Practice [The references Firmicus Maternus gives above are to Ptolemy (c. 127-148 CE), Antiochus (first century BCE) and to Dorotheus of Sidon, (first part of the first century)]. 2 C. G. Jung: “The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself and yet is always thrusting itself upon him directly or indirectly-for instance, inferior traits of character and other incompatible tendencies.” (The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Collected Works 9, i, pp. 284 f.) “... the shadow [is] that hidden, repressed, for the most part inferior and guilt-laden personality whose V24 -02 Continuted on Page 30 JUNE SOLSTICE 2015 page 20