The Career Astrologer 2 2014 | Page 20

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OPA Book Review by Kathryn Andren www . kathrynandren . com

Separating Aspects : The Astrology of Breakups , Divorce and Other Partings
by Armand Diaz , Ph . D .

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This book offers dynamic insight to identify astrological relationship signatures and specific qualities of transition timings . Armand Diaz makes clear that his book is not about predicting relationship breakups , but illuminates how different people may react or respond to relationship changes based on their natal personal aspect patterns and transit experiences .

The first 4 chapters are dedicated to the personal planets . He explores Moon by house and sign then Sun , Venus and Mars with potential aspect patterns . Following chapters dedicated to Saturn , Uranus , Neptune and Pluto have a powerful client examples and with a concise summary with specific strategies to offer clients : “ Five things to do during this breakup .” Other chapters highlight general tendencies how modes and generational markers of the outer planets create specific imprints which may impact a persons response to relationship change .
Armand Diaz offers a clear and holistic perspective on the topic of relationships and partings . As many astrologers support clients during times of transition , both the advanced and beginning astrologers can find support in this book to further empower clients with context and compassion in times of change .
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