The Career Astrologer 2 2012

Volume 21 ■ Number 2 ■ Spring 2012

The CAreer AsTrologer The Newsletter for Professional Astrology

T h e P r e s i d e n T ’ s r e P o r T
President ’ s Report .............................. 1
OPA Elections ........................................ 1 Astrology , Yoga & Service ................ 4
Join OPA ’ s Forum ................................ 7
2012 FREE Conference Call Presentations .......................... 8
Musings on Career Development ........................ 9
Message from the Dolphins ........ 10
Using Voice Recognition Software ........................................ 11
Our Next Retreat .......................... 12 OPA Shines at UAC ........................ 13

As I write this report , Jupiter ,

Venus , Mars and Pluto are in a grand earth trine enjoying a celestial dance . This is treating OPA kindly . After a couple of years of restructuring and making significant changes on our board , OPA has once again nestled comfortably into what it is ; a small , but influential organization dedicated to the advancement and excellence of astrology students and professionals .
As Pluto continues its journey through OPA ’ s first house , and transiting Saturn marches back and forth over our Progressed MC at 29 Libra and Progressed Sun at 23 Libra , we continue to grow while we endeavor to meet the needs of our membership and professional community . Jupiter ’ s benevolent influence in our fourth house has assisted us in expanding and establishing our organization in new and meaningful ways .
One of our new ventures includes OPA ’ s new Certification Program for Professional Astrologers . It is a unique hands on approach , holistic and comprehensive ! Learn more about it on our new and improved web-site .
Equally significant is OPA ’ s new Elections Committee , dedicated to our upcoming board elections this spring . We ask each and every one of you to vote ! The Elections Committee will be sending out more information shortly . This is your organization and you have a voice . Please make it count . This is vital to our democratic process . We appreciate and thank you for your participation ! It is a privilege and honor to serve OPA .
One of the essential parts of keeping our organization alive and healthy is maintaining our membership . This means the renewal of membership dues . If your membership has lapsed , please consider rejoining today . This is easy to do on our website . We benefit from and need one another .
We are also asking for volunteers to help man OPA ’ s table during the five day long conference at UAC . It is a wonderful way to network , catch up with old friends , make new ones and have fun ! If you are interested in more information and would like to help , please contact Maurice Fernandez , our Community Out- [ CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 ]
OPA is having an Election of Officers . The election will be set up with Survey Monkey .
Members who have paid OPA dues by April 14th will be confirmed as voters . If you get a notice from Christine Ferraro , OPA Membership Secretary , regarding your dues being delinquent or up for renewal in March or April , please renew so you can vote !
All paid members of OPA will receive an e-mail on April 21 with the link to Survey Monkey . The voting will close on May 18 at 11:59 pm . A report of the voting results will be submitted to the Board at their regular monthly meeting on June 4 . An e-mail to all members will follow .
Last year ' s officers are running for positions , but not always the position they held last year . Read carefully and check out the candidates below . We have two candidates for OPA President and the Community Outreach Director . Note there is a new candidate for Publications and Products Director . It is wonderful that two OPA members threw their “ hats in the ring ” to participate in this election .
As an OPA member please participate in this election by confirming your choice for OPA ' s Board . [ CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ]
o P A ❥ The o rganization for Professional Astrology 1 T h e C A r e e r A s T r o l o g e r s P r i n g 2 0 1 2