Astrologer OPA ’ s Quarterly Magazine V25-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016 page 15
Astrology Day
March 20 , 2016
Nancy Clark
Mary Lewis You Astrology
Indeed , you are sacred , my starlight friends guiding , beckoning with your flights of light into the night of forever .
Yours is a journey we take as mere babes
For reasons beyond our deepest comprehension
Beyond the blood that pumps the very life through us on this earth planet .
Beyond all our sorrows , draped in heaps about us .
Beyond heart exploding joy carefully cradled and tucked within , for safe keeping .
Always .
You , old friends in ever constant flight are our eternal wings
Guiding us , enticing us all the way home .
Whispering of truths to be revealed without and within
The Mother the Father the Child The Beloved .
The love never to be forgotten or known
Soul that knows only seasons , no end .
You , astrology .
The Sun , Jupiter & Cousin Greg
You must know , Cousin Greg , That I ’ d be very curious To look and see what the sky tells us About the time & place we will never forget About the time and place of your crossing
And there it was , The sun in Sag so bright he rose , So blindingly bright in the east , So bright that you or no one else could see
He emerged like a blazing emperor from his gilded thrown
Then remarkably enough There he was , As if called to the rescue As if called to carry you
Facing off across the western sky Setting exactly opposite on the other side , The centaur ’ s ruler Jupiter Across the clear sky in Gemini
From horizon to horizon , As if Jupiter held the emperors hand , Stretched out across the celestial sky expanse , To claim you and take you back to source
Jupiter protects and expands , limitless , never ending Purity of truth absolute The wise man , philosopher Intelligence , humor and wit
He rules the big world beyond , Guides us to trust what we cannot see His nature is to be happy He ’ s known as the great benefice Clever and funny , a teacher among teachers Just like you Greg
It ’ s true Cousin Greg , That Jupiter is always there , for those who pass He ’ s always somewhere near
He stands at the gate To open us unto a world Beyond anything we can imagine He guards the great mystery
He holds the elusive secret That someday we will all know And one day we will see you there , One day in the future When Jupiter the Great Benefic Is looming somewhere near
Inspired by my Cousin Greg
Sara Fisk Sag Saturn Woes
Magical snow calmly decends ; The quiet woods enchant . My dog rushes ahead with glee , wondering where the path might lead and what delights he might enounter . Life is beautiful . Oh wait , I forgot
Saturn is crossing my sixth , He reaches from the earth to grab my foot . He pretends to be a hidden branch beneath the snow .
He won ’ t let go , I fall , trying to shake his grip .
It is no use , I break , I limp , I become a gimp until the doctors say , ok , go play . Someday . For now I wait , but that is good too . Part of fate , Part of my due .
The Career
Astrologer OPA ’ s Quarterly Magazine V25-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016 page 15