broadly, in big pictures, rather than in just
everyday facts that we learned in our
hometown schools. Often the culture of
our communities defines what we learn,
but if we broadened the definition of
community would we not also broaden
what we could learn?
There is a “pause” or an analysis to be
considered for this mutual reception.
Kevin Burk in his book, Understanding
the Birth Chart notes that both J. Lee
Lehman and Bob Hand say that when the
planets in mutual reception are in the signs
of their detriment or fall there can be
“mutual deception”.
Perhaps just being in closer
communication and redefining the
geographical meaning of community is not
enough. We need to have experiences that
will bring us together. In this configuration
Jupiter is retrograde, perhaps suggesting
we are still pondering what an extended
community actually means and beginning
the adjustment as indicated by the Finger
of God. The mutual reception of Saturn
and Pluto in that figure adds possible
weight to a structural transformation
through Jupiter's pondering.
On March 9, 2013 Mercury in Pisces
squared Jupiter in Gemini at 8 degrees, 43
minutes. This is a waning square, a crisis
of consciousness.
This time Mercury is retrograde and
Jupiter is moving forward. As defined by
Lehman and Hand, Mercury and Jupiter
are still in “mutual deception”. But let us
try to rent the veil and understand what is
being communicated.
During this period the Pope stepped
down from his office indeed suggesting his
own “crisis of consciousness”. The news,
Mercury, was about a spiritual figurehead,
Pisces. I would suggest that this is just one
more indicator that our thinking about
spiritual matters and religious institutions
needs to change before the ideal of an
Earth Community evolves.
We need to evolve on both the
head, our thinking, and the
heart, our spiritual values.
The following quote by
Einstein succinctly speaks of
an avenue of heart thinking
to follow.
“The religion of the future will be
a cosmic religion. It will have to
transcend a personal God and avoid
dogma and theology. Encompassing both the
natural and the spiritual, it will be based on
a religious sense arising from the experience of
all things, natural and spiritual, considered as
meaningful unity.” - A LBERT E INSTEIN
The astrological community is already
ahead in the process of thinking in terms
of “meaningful unity” and crossing
geographical boundaries. It is noteworthy
that AFAN, ISAR, and NCGR have
worldwide representation on their boards
and committees. UAC continues to be an
example of astrological organizations
working together to broaden the thinking
of the international community of
astrologers. All of this happened way
before the energetic crises and continues
to unfold.
I want to think in a positive mode that
these two energies, Mercury and Jupiter,
acting in mutual reception, have opened
up possibilities for humanity to experience
“meaningful unity.” However, with first
Jupiter and then Mercury retrograde in
the configurations, I sense that we are still
in a pondering, reflective mode. Whatever
needs to happen that will cut through the
biases and narrow thinking has not yet
happened. My hope is that bringing the
possible message of new awareness hinted
at by these two planets will open doors
and windows of thinking. May it be so.
The Organization for Professional Astrology
As a licensed professional counselor and a
Certified Counseling Astrologer, NCGR IV,
ISAR C.A.P., Jacqueline Janes, MA has
an active caseload combining astrological
consultation and short and long term
psychotherapy. Additionally, she has lectured
and led workshops in astrology, psychological
and mundane, and spiritual development.
Her articles have appeared in OPA’s Career
Astrologer and the Astrological Society of
Connecticut’s newsletter.