mitry Paramonov is an astrologer-
consultant who lives and practices
in Russia. In 1995, he entered the
school of astrology, and in 1996 graduated
as an astrologer-researcher. Plunged into a
world of characters and subtle energies, he
continued his esoteric education and en-
rolled to study at “Higher College of Classi-
cal Astrology” from which he graduated in
1998 as a qualified astrologer-consultant.
In 2000, Dmitry completed a special
course in “Esoteric Philosophy and Reli-
gious Studies,” so his arsenal of esoteric
practices includes astrology, the esoteric im-
pact of sound on human’s life, the transcen-
dental the influence of symbols, and the
ancient practices of divination, such as
Tarot, I Ching and Buttons. In 1998,
Dmitry bega n the practice of integral yoga,
with a focus on meditative techniques for
knowledge and creativity.
Dmitry started his professional astrologi-
cal practice in 1997 when he registered as a
private entrepreneur and began to give pri-
vate consultations. He continued as an as-
trologer-consultant at the Astrological
Counseling Center, Center for Alternative
Medicine “Aster +” and a number of televi-
sion and internet projects related to astro-
logical counseling. This has allowed him to
gain experience in written and oral counsel-
ing, and learn the nuances of remote and ex-
press consultation as he practices astrology
in four Russian cities: Moscow, Sochi,
Omsk and Izhevsk.
Since his student years and to this day,
Dmitry is actively involved in the astrologi-
cal community. He is engaged the organiza-
tion of training, workshops, meetings and
conferences. He is the author of reports on
the topic: “Mysticism of Sound”, “Magical
Alphabets” and “Astrology - the tool of
man’s evolution.” It is published in print
and television media, acting as an expert in
the field of astrology.
A special place in Dmitry’s professional
life takes participation in organizational
activities “OPA Russia.” He is convinced
that astrology is a powerful tool of
evolution, so mankind needs
knowledgeable specialists who aspiring to a
ideals of high level who can expand human
consciousness. Dmitry believes that
humanity needs professional astrologers and
that the astrological community should
consciously shape the image of a
professional astrologer, devoted to his
profession; astrologers, who understand
their individual role in the development of
astrology and who are making every effort
to raise the level of professionalism in
Dmitry teaches techniques of astrology,
which allow students to master the art of
reading a horoscope in a relatively short
time. His method of teaching can bring
students to some degree of mastery in just 3
months. Astrologers who work on his
system, to identify the key points in the
horoscope spend no more than 20 minutes.
This effect is achieved by the fact that he
focuses on students’ understanding of the
philosophy of astrology and develops in his
students the ability to read the non-verbal
The Organization for Professional Astrology
section of information from the horoscope.
He believes that reading the astrological
chart is a creative flight, in which astrologer
not only reads characters, he begins to feel
characters, he thinks by symbols, he lives by
Dmitry is a member of the Organization
of Professional Astrologers (OPA), head of
the Russian branch of the Organization of
Professional Astrologers (OPA Russia),
representative of the Institute of Practical
Astrology (IPA), a member of the
Astrological Association of Izhevsk (IAA),
the head of the Creative Communities
AstraLife, a teacher of astrology in the
company, “Staff & Service”.