The Career Astrologer 1 2013

Volume 22  Number 1  Spring 2013 THE CAREER ASTROLOGER The newsletter for Professional Astrology T H E P R E S I D E N T ’S R E P O R T B Y A LEXANDRA K ARACOSTAS S imply being alive during these times is extraordinary! We really are transitioning into a new age, complete with its unique mix of flavors and remedies. The reflecting celes- tial themes help us to review and remember our collective common ground and goals. For us as astrologers we see this in the language of Saturn in Scorpio, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn and their communal dance, to mention only a few of the key archetypes in action now. At the end of this month OPA will experience its first Jupiter return, while transiting Jupiter trines OPA’s Sun at 12 Libra and the MC In ThIs Issue President’s Report ..............................1 Mercury & Jupiter 2012-2013..........1 An Interview with Jane Ridder-Patrick ............................4 Book Review: Planets in Therapy ..........................6 Poetry Corner ......................................7 excerpt from Between Astrologers and Clients: Boundaries ............................................8 Astrology in Greece ........................14 new Approach to Political Forecast ..........................16 O P A  B Y J ACQUELINE J ANES and Uranus at 17 Libra and 17 Aquarius respectively. This is mirrored in the manner in which we continue to make meaningful changes and grow so we can meet the needs of our current membership. There are a few other notable contacts happening as well. If you are interested, check out OPA’s chart! (OPA birth information - Oct 4, 2000, 01:45pm, Tallahassee, FL) Jupiter has indeed influenced OPA. OPA is going international! We presently have three new OPA representatives; Dvora Weil in Israel, Dmitriy Paramonov in Rus- sia and Smaro Soritaki in Greece. Welcome to the OPA family! This is an important direction OPA is taking in order to con- tribute to professional astrology world- wide. We are proud to be a small, but influential, organization dedicated to the advancement and excellence of astrology! This year’s retreat is OPA’s 10th and we are happy that it is our largest to date. Our organization is now larger than ever before. We couldn’t be more pleased with these achievements! In 2002 OPA started offer- ing small retreats for seriously minded pro- fessional and lay astrologers. Since then we have modified our program to meet the in- terests and needs of our community. We plan to hold our next retreat toward the end 2014 and hope to see you all back again! In the meantime, we will keep you posted as we begin to organize our next gathering. In 2011 we launched the OPA Certifica- [C ONTINUED ON P AGE 12 ] tion Program. The Organization for Professional Astrology 1 A s humanity moved into this period of change, transformation and crisis given the call for action with the 2010 Cardinal Cross and now the Pluto/Uranus squares of tension continuing to 2015, I wondered if, indeed, we would “get it.” “Get it” meaning learning how to live together on the Planet Earth in a more harmonious manner, sharing earth resources with each other, supporting life rather than killing life, growing and evolving with the idea that each person's vitality contributed to the well being of the whole community. Thus, I looked to the astrological indicators of learning, Mercury and Jupiter. Mercury, the wing footed messenger of the Gods, represents getting the everyday knowledge that helps us be in community with others. Mercurial learning is what we get in elementary school and high school - language, both written and verbal, history of humankind, skills at problem solving (math), and “facts” about how the earth works (science). Knowledge of this sort, just like Mercury, is fluid, ever changing as we think about what we know and expand the possibilities of interpretation. This is where Jupiter becomes important. THE CAREER ASTROLOGER [C ONTINUED ON P AGE 2] SPRING 2013