he lone star state, Texas is no
doubt blessed with lakes and rivers
and is a popular favorite tourist desti-
nation known to have a great deal of
fun and energetic water recreational
opportunities. With numerous activi-
ties available for all ages, including
cable wakeboarding, Texas is still
one of the leading top tourist destina-
tions in America. It hosts the largest
number of cable walk parks with Hy-
drous walk Park being the most nota-
ble. Hydrous Wake Park is one of the
leading 36 cable parks in the United
States of America with two premier
locations, one in Allen and the other
in Little Elm. The family-friendly
environment wake park was in 2011
voted by unleashed magazine to be
the top cable wake park in the world
which is a no surprise as it plays a
host to over 20,000 participants who
are mostly first-time participant.