reen travel has
been the buzzword in the
tourism industry for a
while now but not every-
one understands what it
really means. I used to be
in the dark too just like
you but now I have some
small green traveling tips
to share. Cool right?
Green travel, sometimes
called eco-travel or re-
sponsible travel is simply
turning on your environ-
mental consciousness
when you travel. This
way whatsoever your ac-
tivity while you travel,
impact on the environ-
ment is friendly.
For instance, instead of
throwing your waste out
of your car window and
down to the ground, you
could wait till you find a
waste bin to dispose of
them properly. Goof!
That's you turning on
your environmental con-
sciousness. Without fur-
ther ado, here are the tips
to go green when you
travel below;
1. Conserve Power: Be-
fore you travel, turn off
your home
gadgets and
Green travel
start from your
home. Try not
to stock your
prior to when
you leave to
your destination. Turn off
electricity and water sup-
ply to your home too. All
this could result in wast-
age. Learn to conserve,
that's being a green trav-
vehicles and airplanes
consume more fuel in re-
lation to weight leading
to the release of more
carbon dioxide, a well-
known greenhouse gas.
3. Take Direct Non-stop
Flight: If your destina-
tion is outside or within
the country, take a direct
flight. They can be ex-
pensive, but if you can
afford it, it shouldn't be a
big deal to you. Air-
2. Travel Light: When
planes burn more fuel for
packing your traveling
bags, you need not take take-off and landing than
they do traveling that
what you don't need.
distance. Imagine! And if
Take only necessities.
Other things you might you can't get a direct
need can be gotten on ar- flight within Nigeria,
rival at your destination. travel by road or pur-
chase a carbon offset.
This could help reduce
your carbon footprint as