The First And Only Child
Of A Different Father
G rew up without a father and everyone
who catered for me was my mother who is
vaguely mentally ill and her rich kindred
never will supported me.
I grew up as a normal Nigerian child with a
very rough background filled with fear and
lack. My aim was a way out of this storm
and how I will make it out alive.
I will make it out alive, Years rolled by, and
I went for my ND (national diploma) at a
middle class polytechnic in Nigeria where I
studied accountancy,
Afterwards, I saw that my family‘s financial
proliferation-ish will not allow me forge
ahead and obtain my HND in accounting so I
went on to learn fashion designing and I now
sew cloths with little or no support from my
mom siblings whom I consider well to do.
As far, as I am concerned one live and works
at Dubai and two of them lives at the FCT
Abuja, in a neutral mindset people who take
their hustle to this height are somewhat o,
They aren't concerned about helping me to
have a better life, probably because I am
alone and the only child of my mom born to
another father, I always feel sorrowful day in
day out until God brought a HIM the one I
still consider my savior and liberation from
my lacking life,
Bayo, who is a Christian love me so much
even though I am a Muslim girl, for the love
we share I look forward to changing my re-
ligion to Christianity because it feels so wel-
coming and peaceful to serve God with a
group of people who doesn‘t feel prejudiced
of other religion.
(continued on pg 20)
On the GO!!!
A True LifeStory