The Cannavist Issue Four | Page 57

However, this can take up to a few weeks. Lyttle said: “It’s really a trade-off for us to provide testing that’s useful to the district attorney to prosecute cases, also at the same time to be aware of the huge number of plant materials cases we’re going to get in.” The new TBI test is not only much quicker, but much more cost-effective. The testing kits fetch and average at about $15 per test, while the testing machines start at $100,000. Meanwhile, state inspectors in Alabama have “ This has been one of the greatest challenges in forensic science over the past couple of years began testing the state’s first legally-crown hemp crops. Samples from 45 growers had been taken at the time of writing, all of which tested below the 0.3% THC threshold required by law, Alabama Agricultural Commissioner Rick Pate said. The hemp is grown for the extraction of CBD which has been a boon for farmers in a number of states. The crop has provided a huge business opportunity in Kentucky in particular, where farmers have been forced to look for alternatives to increasingly regulated tobacco. Special Agent for the Forensic Sciences Division Glen Everett explained: “If it’s marijuana, it’ll turn an immediate deep blue colour. “[But when the solution is added to hemp] it’s not going to an immediate blue colour, [it] turns a slow pink over time.” This testing will be the first line of defence. If the results come back as inconclusive, further tests will be done. The next course of action would be to send the samples off to be identified in a gas chromatograph machine which will test for the exact THC content. “ newest testing method has now been in use since the beginning of September. Researchers developed a colour test which is added to the plant’s flower to determine its classification.