The Cannavist Issue 6 B2C | Page 83

people suffering with depression as quickly as possible.” Psilocybin is currently being tested as a possible treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). It is estimated that 1 in 12 people suffer from OCD in the UK, with 50% of those that have been diagnosed categorised as severe. OCD is a common mental health issue where a person has obsessive thoughts and unwanted behaviours which can be distressing. It can be signifi cantly impactful on a person’s daily life. FUNGI FACTS There are more than 200 species of ‘magic’ mushrooms that contain psychoactive compounds Holland allows the legal sale and consumption of magic mushroom truffl es Magic mushrooms can grow in a variety of different locations including gardens, grasses, rotting wood and animal faeces Psilocybin was fi rst isolated in 1958 by Dr Albert Hofmann who also discovered LSD Laughter the best medicine? New York-based comedian Adam Strauss began treating his OCD with mushrooms after it started to impact on his relationships and daily life. He turned his experiences into a stand-up show, ‘The Mushroom Cure,’ and has received high praise from Time Out, the Chicago Tribune and the New York Times. He told The CANNAVIST: “I’ve had severe OCD for many years. I’ve been on all sorts of medications, seen specialists, tried alternative therapies and nothing helped. What inspired me to try mushrooms and other psychedelics was a 2006 study from the University of Arizona. I had no real experience with psychedelics at the time, but I fi gured I had nothing to lose. “I was looking for an ultimate cure to take away the OCD but that’s not how it works for me. The approach is to not try to get rid of the unwanted thoughts and compulsions but to allow them to be there and accept them. “It’s not really a mental process but its more of a physical and visceral allowing. It’s a spiritual surrender and letting go of the reigns that I couldn’t do without psychedelics. If I wasn’t tripping, then I would start to try to get rid of those thoughts by giving into them more. Once I had had that experience on psychedelics then gradually, I was able to apply that when I wasn’t, and I found that’s when I was able to fi nd some freedom.” Adam won the New York Fringe Festival’s Overall Excellence Award for Solo Performance and the Leffe Beer Craft Your Character storytelling competition. The Mushroom Cure is sponsored by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). THE LAW Mushrooms are a Class A drug The law regarding mushrooms in the UK changed in 2005 closing a loophole that allowed f resh produce Possession can get you up to 7 years in prison In the US, mushrooms are legal in Santa Cruz, Denver and Oakland. 83