Is the CLOCK A college student ’ s best friend or worst nightmare ?
COSTAATT Valedictorian speaks about time management ...
By Dareece Pollo
Here are 4 common problems faced by T & T college students and accompanying solutions :
1 . Time Management
Solution : Know your limits . If you can ’ t handle 18 credits in one semester , slow down and take only 15 . While the purpose of a college education is to learn as much as you can , that doesn ’ t mean studying all the time . It is important to schedule time for fun and to take breaks to keep your mind fresh and clear .
2 . Debt
Tara Ramkumar , 2017 valedictorian for COSTAATT ’ S Ken Gordon School of Journalism & Communication Studies Photo Credit : Dr . Joanne Lisosy
ime is our greatest asset . Respect it
“ Tand use it wisely , even if just to rest for a little .” Sound advice from 2017 Class Valedictorian Tara Ramkumar , AAS Graphic Design . Tara hails from Carapachima and is 33-years-old . She ’ s also a full time COSTAATT employee in the Natural and Life Sciences Department at the El Dorado campus and also operates her own business as a graphic design freelancer under the name Mudpots . She said she ’ s always pursued science throughout her educational life from secondary school all the way to her Bachelors in Biology which she studied at the University of the West Indies . Now , Tara is this year ’ s Valedictorian with a 3.91 GPA . She felt it was a blessing she never saw coming .
“ I was definitely shocked . Even though I knew my GPA was high , I just assumed someone else would top that . So when I got the call I was surprised . The last time I topped something was in primary school and that was a long time ago . So finding out I was valedictorian took me by surprise .”
Tara also had a message to her fellow collegiate regarding time management . She admitted she struggled with prioritising tasks but made a commitment to establish order and stability in her life .
“ I ’ m a chronic procrastinator but even though I tend to push things to the last minute , I always met my deadlines . So , even though it took some initial adjustment , in the end I was able to achieve some semblance of balance .” Having found the perfect equilibrium of school and work , Tara also managed to find time to be creative by channelling her skills in henna , painting , pottery and art . Her commitment and resounding dedication to the completion of tasks , no doubt propelled her to the top .
Graduation Day !
Tara was among 1600 students who graduated over a three day period which began on November 12 and ended on November 14 , at the Lord Kitchener Auditorium at the National Academy for the Performing Arts ( NAPA ).
The evening was electric , filled with excitement , relief and sheer joy . Those who attended were entertained by COSTAATT ’ s Jazz ensemble and a graduand who shouted out the names of those who were crossing the stage like a sporting event , even though he didn ’ t know them . The evening became a bit solemn after it was announced that a student ’ s mother had just passed away during the cermony . But all in all it was a fantastic day for the graduates .
Caiman Vybe | Volume 1 , No . 1 | December 9 , 2017 . 16
Solution : With the recent amendments to the Government Assistance for Tuition Expenses ( GATE ) programme , tuition costs seem to be steadily increasing . Consider applying for a student loan which is relatively easy to get . Many students , however , don ’ t know how repayment works and how many years they may spend paying off their loans . An important part of your education is educating yourself about the structure of the loans you take on to pay for that education . Sit down with a financial advisor to get a firm grasp on the debt you ’ re taking on . Also , like Tara did , consider an on-campus job . Working on-campus will cut out potential transportation expenses and help you stay more focused academically .
3 . Spreading Yourself Too Thin
Solution : Juggling a job , 15 to 18 credits , relationships and extracurricular activities is extremely difficult . Without proper rest , students are vulnerable to physical and mental health problems . Decide what is important . Prioritize and schedule events , games , meetings , social events , and studies accordingly . Also , be aware of your options when getting a job . Universities often offer jobs that fit into a student ’ s schedule . Be like Tara !
4 . Depression
Solution : What comes with multitasking ? Increased stress levels which can evidently take a toll on your emotional health . Some find temporary relief in partying which , in excess and in the long run , may contribute to depression . If stress and depression are an issue , seek professional support . Many campuses have free counseling programs for students . Counselors are trained to listen and help students get back on track .
Dareece Polo