The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 71: Spring 2024 | Page 4


Acting Editor Ben Carey Ben @ tbesw . co . uk
Sub-Editor Nick Batten Nick @ tbesw . co . uk
Special Features Fiona Scott fiona @ fionascott . co . uk
Design Juicy Designs www . juicy-designs . co . uk
Artwork Studio Creative Services www . studio-cs . co . uk
Printed by Acorn Press www . acornpress . co . uk
On the cover Plans for the former Bowyer ’ s factory site in Trowbridge by Keep Architecture Limited
Advertising Sales Sian Swift Business Development Manager sian @ tbesw . co . uk T : 07710 566 145
Follow us on Social @ TBESW The Business Exchange South West tbeswindonandwilts businessexchangesw
© The Business Exchange South West Limited 2024 . Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that adverts and articles appear correctly , The Business Exchange South West Limited cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication . The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of its publisher or editor . All rights reserved . This publication is copyrighted and no part of this publication may be used or reproduced without the written permission of The Business Exchange South West Limited .
Readership : 15,000 Our audience :
56 % business owner / director level 44 % partner , manager or senior executive
06 08 14
COVER STORY : The changing face of Wiltshire
04 Business News 11 People 18 Finance 30 Property 40 Technology 43 Revved Up 44 Creative Thinking 50 Positive Business 54 Connect
Welcome to the spring edition of TBE Swindon & Wiltshire .
Spring is a time of new beginnings , spring cleans , preparing for growth and getting set for the new financial year ahead .
In this issue we look at business resilience and preparing for the unexpected to ensure business success and continuity , from cashflow to staffing , cyber security and more .
It ’ s funny how this feature has fallen , as for this issue I had to take a back step from the everyday running of TBE to go into hospital to give birth to my first child , Honor Eugéne .
For the last ten plus years , TBE has been my baby and handing over the reins was a frightening thought , regardless of how much
Swindon and Wiltshire ’ s most inspiring women 2024
26 Why your business should aim for award success in 2024
46 A-Z guide to business
TBE Awards : Get set for the launch
I ’ d prepared for this moment and trusted my team to take over . However , I needn ’ t have worried an ounce . TBE has run seamlessly in my absence . A huge thanks to Ben , Nick , Sian , Steve , Fiona and Dale for working together to ensure TBE ’ s continuity and success . TBE has many facets and requires different skillsets to keep the cogs turning from hosting events , to sending out newsletters , looking after our clients and VIP members , to keeping the websites updated and producing magazines . It ’ s a bit of a beast !
It ’ s been so lovely to take a back seat and fully concentrate on my new little human , knowing my business is in safe hands . Time away from TBE has also made the cogs
More news at : www . tbebathandsomerset . co . uk and www . tbeswindonandwilts . co . uk
Building Business Resilience
40 Rob Curtis , dealing with ADHD
45 John Davies : Is it me ?
TBE Show Connecting you for success
turn with new ideas forming to make our planned schedule this year extra special . I ’ m looking forward to seeing many of you for the first time this year at our Cumberwell Big Breakfast on 25th April ( details on page 54 ). Hopefully see you there !
Anita Jaynes , Founder E : anita @ tbesw . co . uk T : 01793 847 966