The group will gather evidence , analyse , and propose solutions to vital issues affecting Swindon ’ s economic performance and future trajectory . The Commission , which will publish its report in early 2024 , aims to pave the way for future growth and investment .
The 12 Commissioners have experience spanning urban research , development , diversity , equity and inclusion , sustainability , and finance . They are led by Martin Boddy , Emeritus Professor of Urban and Regional Studies at the University of the West of England ( UWE ), Bristol , and the project was initiated by Business West . The Commission has secured cross-party political support and is working closely with the Borough Council – it is independent and is not politically aligned .
The evidence-gathering process will include workshops where local and national stakeholders will debate issues affecting the town . The Commission is focused beyond the immediate , short-term horizons and will look beyond the constraints and current contexts , local and national - of policy frameworks , politics , economy , and mindsets .
The Commission also plans to raise the profile of the town nationally with both government and potential investors .
Martin Boddy ( pictured above ), Emeritus Professor of Urban and Regional Studies at the University of the West of England ( UWE ), Bristol , said , “ Swindon has an outstanding history as one of the strongest performing urban areas nationally in economic terms , attracting international investment and providing jobs , high quality , affordable housing and local facilities for its fastexpanding population . There are challenges . The flow of international investment has
shrunk back – as it has nationally . There are communities on some of the older estates which have clearly missed out on the benefits of past success . Much of the town centre and main shopping area is no longer fit for purpose and crying out for new investment .
“ Looking to the future however , Swindon has fantastic potential to attract new businesses and new investment , to expand opportunities for its established communities and to meet the challenges of climate change . The Commission will work to develop a vision , a framework for future possibilities ; shaping plans , boosting investment , raising Swindon ’ s image and profile and providing opportunities across the whole town .”
Colin Skellett , Chair of Business West and Chair of the Swindon Futures Commission said , added , “ Swindon is a town that has several challenges when it comes to economic growth , yet there are also significant opportunities . For example , its redevelopment potential , the transport infrastructure , affordable house prices and job opportunities . We hope this Commission will provide a launch pad for the next generation of investment , businesses and jobs . This would serve to build back the sense of pride in place alongside delivering outstanding economic performance .
“ Social mobility , or lack-of , is a key issue facing this country . Here is a town that potentially has the means to attract and retain talent , create sustainable and inclusive economic growth . What we need now is a long-term evidenced-based vision that enables Swindon to propel itself forward .”
Economy – performance and prospects
• Industrial strategy sectors , clusters , infrastructure
• Employment land supply
• Education , skills and opportunities
• Town centre including commercial & retail
• Heritage , culture , creativity and place
• Housing and residential opportunities
• Finance , resources , assets , investment
• Wider spatial vision
• Borough-wide & beyond
For more info : www . swindonfutures . co . uk
“ We hope this Commission will provide a launch pad for the next generation of investment , businesses and jobs ” |