Swindog balloon prints to raise further funds for Julia ’ s House and her work inspired me – why not commission Judy to make a special front cover ?
We jumped on a call and the deal was done . Judy and I soon got to work on ideas , talking through what I wanted it to convey . Judy listened intently and came up with a brief before she got to work . As she began the design process , she kept me informed all along the way on decisions and new ideas to incorporate . She managed to achieve everything we discussed and more . I ’ m so delighted with the end result , and I hope all our readers enjoy Judy ’ s artful magic too . I don ’ t think she could have done a better job of encapsulating everything we do , whilst
celebrating the vibrant places we live and work .
Judy ’ s front cover artwork will adorn the back of our business cards for the next year , to keep our ten-year celebration going .
Judy said , “ This project was completely different to my normal work , but I loved doing it and I ’ m thrilled with the end result . I can ’ t wait to have a copy of the magazine in my hands .”
Judy is available for commissions both business and personal . If you ’ re celebrating a special occasion , want something unique to brighten up your office walls , or even fancy portraits of your team to make your website or marketing communications stand out , Judy is your girl !
To find out more about Judy ’ s work follow her on social media and check out her Etsy shop .
Follow @ JudyTreeArt on Facebook and Instagram
Judee Tree Art Etsy Shop : www . etsy . com / uk / shop / JudeeTreeArt
To contact Judy about commissions email : judy @ judeetree . co . uk
And to check out Morgan ’ s work follow him on Facebook @ MorganGMakes
Brochures Leaflets Posters Business cards Merchandise Clothing Signage Window Graphics Banners
( you name it , we design and print it )
Marketing materials that make our clients look great ! 01793 336 004 enquiries @ studio-cs . co . uk www . studio-cs . co . uk