The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 67: June/July 2023 | Page 21


Gem Van Gils

Swindon-based artist Gem Van Gils chose to base her Swindog design around the Mexicanborn artist , Frida Kahlo . Gem has painted Frida ’ s portrait , surrounded by vibrant tropical flowers and animals , full of symbols of hope and transition , which are frequent themes in the artist ’ s paintings . The design includes a quote from Frida , “ Feet , what do I need you for when I have wings to fly ?” It is believed that this quote symbolises Kahlo ’ s emotional emancipation from her disabled body and ability to enjoy life . Gem instantly connected this message with the work of Julia ’ s House when learning about their amazing care for seriously ill children and their families . One of Frida Kahlo ’ s most famous paintings is named ‘ Viva la Vida ’ which translates to Long Live Life – a celebration of life , and a message that Gem feels sums up her design .
Location : Queen ’ s Park Sponsor : The Business Exchange

Morgan Guillery supported by Judy Guillery

Morgan Guillery ’ s design was the winning entry for the Swindon Advertiser ’ s Children ’ s Competition . At just 12 years old , Morgan is one of the youngest ever people to design a large Wild in Art sculpture . The Swindon-based artist loves to create intricate black and white sketches . His steampunk-inspired design , featuring Swindon ’ s heritage , was selected by the Advertiser to adorn the paper ’ s special Swindog sculpture . Working around school hours to complete his sculpture , Morgan has been supported by his mum Judy Guillery in developing the finished Swindog design .
Location : Town Gardens Sponsor : Swindon Advertiser

Key ‘ The Big Dog Art Trail ’ dates

The Big Dog Art Trail Begins ( LIVE around Swindon for 8 weeks ) Dates : Saturday 15th July – Sunday 3rd September Location : Swindon ’ s open parks and spaces
Farewell Event A magnificent farewell event , where all the Swindogs and Swinpups will be brought together in one place . Your chance to see all the incredible designs in one colourful event ! Dates : Saturday 16th – Sunday 17th September Location : STEAM Museum
Auction Come along to the auction event where you ’ ll have another chance to see the Swindogs in all their glory and be part of a thrilling auction . Date : Tuesday 19th September Location : STEAM Museum
Keep your nose to the ground by signing up to the Big Woof Newsletter at : www . bigdogarttrail . co . uk
Puppy Love Swindog by Kitty Shepherd

Judy Guillery

Living in Swindon her whole life and loving her home town , artist Judy Guillery is thrilled to be part of The Big Dog Art Trail . Judy mainly works on small bespoke commissions for people , which are personal and unique to them . She always wants her artwork to be uplifting and she ’ s proud to say she makes people very happy . Judy often involves typography in her designs .
Judy ’ s Swindog is entitled , ‘ Love Grows ’ and the message is represented by the perseverance and growth of trees and nature . Judy hopes her design will delight children with its cute creatures and bright colours , and also convey the important topic of wildlife conservation .
Location : Swindon Council Office Sponsor : Swindon Borough Council

Seeking pawsome volunteers for ‘ The Big Dog Art Trail ’

Requirements : Must be dog lovers ( of the balloon variety ) Where : Swindon When : July to September 2023
Role type : Help Julia ’ s House get tails wagging by chatting to the public about the art trail and Julia ’ s House , keep an eye on any mucky pups and report damages to the Big Dog maintenance team , plus help out at the Farewell Weekend on 16th-17th September .
Raising essential funds for children ’ s hospice charity ...
Benefits : Fun , friendship , making a difference in your local community and the Top Dog will give you a free hi-vis jacket !
Can you help us get tails wagging ? Find out more at bigdogarttrail . co . uk / JoinUs or call the volunteer team on 01202 644220