The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 66: April/May 2023 | Page 37



BusinessWise , the Swindon-based independent , not for profit business referral group is showcasing some of its newest members .
Networking and strong business relationships have been key to success for BusinessWise members as the group almost reaches capacity . Chairman Dave Southby said , “ I want to welcome all new members to the group . We have been steadily growing over the past 12 months and are now very nearly at our maximum capacity of 30 members . As a group we feel any more members would hinder the time we have to actually network around the room . I believe this growth has been due to our commitment of giving back to and adding value for our members .
“ To give a couple of examples , we have committed advertorial space on various platforms to raise the profiles of our members and we also have a dedicated social committee which organise events throughout the year . And these activities are managed in a largely voluntary manner .” One of the newest members is Chelsea Hardie of Just Mortgages who is a qualified mortgage and protection adviser based in Swindon . She tried out various networking groups in and around the town before deciding BusinessWise was the right fit for her . “ My personal reason to join this wonderful group was not only to help each other refer business around , but also to meet new people , learn about their own precious empires , and listen and learn from the ups and downs of all business owners .. Being self employed can be quite lonely so it is so nice to be able to talk about other things with like-minded people .” Another recent member is Dave Steinhausen of Red Wizard Digital who is a digital marketing expert with more than 20 years ’ experience in areas such as SEO and Pay Per Click . Dave is based in
Trowbridge yet works with clients across the county and UK . He said , “ As a freelancer , I know the value of personal referrals . When someone recommends my business to one of their contacts , they are recommending me personally . So it is important that they know and trust me . BusinessWise gives me a circle of people who have spoken with me , not just about the technical side of what I do , but the values I have and my work ethics .”
And last but by no means least our final recent joining member is qualified nutritional therapist and naturopath Caroline Peyton of Peyton Principles . Caroline has run her business for more than a decade with clinics in Swindon and the Cotswolds , as well as online . She was looking for a proactive and supportive group to expand her networking horizons .
“ I visited BusinessWise a couple of times as a visitor and found the group to be extremely friendly and supportive towards one another ’ s businesses . I wanted to join a committed face to face networking meeting and BusinessWise fit exactly what I was looking for . I like the fact that it is a one business seat group ; that the group are focussed on supporting one another ’ s businesses and the fact that it ’ s fun too !”
Members attend a fortnightly meeting on a Friday from 6.45am to 8.30am at Basset Down Complex , near junction 16 of the M4 in Swindon . There is a formal agenda which includes :
• A 60 second round for introductions and members ’ business news .
• A guest speaker slot for members .
• Break out meetings or group activity ‘ moment ’.
• A referral round .
• An informal time to chat after the meeting .
Membership is £ 250 in the first year and then £ 150 on renewal with a current monthly subscription fee of £ 35 to cover breakfast , marketing and running costs ( this fee will rise later in 2023 to account for rising costs ). The group is not for profit and money is reinvested for the benefit of members .
As BusinessWise is now almost at capacity , those who would like to visit are being put on a waiting list . However the group would welcome a solicitor as that seat within the group is currently vacant . For more information visit the website at www . businesswise . org . uk or call 01793 238030 .
Let us help spread the word about your business
www . businesswise . org . uk
Member Benefits :
• Not for Profit Organisation
• Fees re-invested into the group
• Exclusive business category
• Opportunities for new business across all sectors
• Low annual membership fee
Anyone interested in attending a meeting can call :
01793 238030 | www . businesswise . org . uk