The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 65: February/March 2023 | Page 6


SWLEP staff join the Board of Global EPIC

Global EPIC is an international organisation connecting global cybersecurity ecosystems for local economic growth , so it was no surprise that it wanted to have representatives from the Swindon and Wiltshire Cyber Cluster on its Board .
In addition to strengthening and creating new potential co-operation possibilities for its Global EPIC members , as they move into 2023 , the main goals for the new working board are to develop further global partnerships and cooperation by creating added value for all members .
Swindon & Wiltshire Cyber Cluster ’ s Project Manager Brea Woods , and Head of Capital Operations at SWLEP ' s Business Cyber Centre Tom Marshall , will both be joining as non-executive board members .
Brea said , “ I can ' t wait to be working with all the members of Global EPIC , in supporting them to facilitate global collaboration among other cybersecurity ecosystems while creating a positive impact regionally , nationally and internationally .”
Tom will lead on the Fundraising and Partnership Development working group and is also looking forward to greater involvement in expanding the focus on all things cyber .
For more info : www . globalepic . org

Swindon & Wiltshire Cyber Cluster ( SWCC )

Since launching in May , the free membership has already grown to 120 , with the opportunity for more businesses to join .
Recognised by the UK Cyber Cluster Collaboration , known as UKC3 , the SWCC has been represented at three national events and hosted four events of its own .
Based at the Business Cyber Centre in Chippenham , the SWCC aims to highlight the need for ongoing cyber security development and collaboration . It comprises a dynamic , diverse and forward-thinking group of likeminded individuals , offering ongoing support suitable for all businesses .
Members share their own knowledge with others in addition to taking on the many learnings provided by group members and insightful guest speakers . By creating a community of like-minded business and organisation leaders , the SWCC also enables
SWCC aims to highlight the need for ongoing cyber security development and collaboration
opportunities for collaboration with each other as well as defence and educational organisations both locally and further afield .
Events are held regularly , both in person and online . The recent How is Your Online Security Looking ? session offered help and advice on cyber security improvements that could be made by all . Anyone using a laptop , tablet or mobile phone needs to be aware of how their actions and usage can impact the safety of their organisation , particularly with remote working and the use of open Wi-Fi networks .
For more info : www . swcybercluster . co . uk

CyberICE Conference - for the Future

CyberICE stands for Cyber - Innovate , Collaborate and Educate , three key drivers for both the SWCC and SWLEP ' s Business Cyber Centre .
The CyberICE Conference is free and is open to all businesses to attend . Previously , expert speakers from across the globe spoke about :
• The latest initiatives offered by the UK Cyber Security Council
• The role of UKC3
• How to get innovative ideas into defence ( specifically Defence Digital )
• The wider strategy and support offered via the Department for Digital , Culture , Media and Sport ( DCMS ).
The SWCC is excited to announce that its next CyberICE conference will be held on Wednesday 10th May 2023 at the Business Cyber Centre , Chippenham . Defence Science and Technology Laboratory ( Dstl ) has confirmed that it will be one of the organisations sponsoring the event .
Mike Thain , STEM Outreach Lead from the Dstl , will be giving a live demonstration of one of the remaining Enigma Machines which were used to such devastating effect during World War II .
The Enigma machine is a cipher device developed and used in the early-to-mid-20th century to protect commercial , diplomatic , and military communication . For many years , Nazi Germany used the Enigma Machine to send coded messages to its U-Boats in the Atlantic . Eventually , Alan Turing led a team at Bletchley Park in
Buckinghamshire to crack the Enigma code and saved thousands of lives of Allied troops .
To book your free tickets go to : https :// bit . ly / CyberICE2
For more info : www . bcc . co . uk
6 www . tbeswindonandwilts . co . uk