The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 63: October/November 2022 | Page 9

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Surviving and thriving - Growing your business in turbulent times

Having prepared for Brexit and weathered Covid , businesses are now looking ahead to predictions of financial crisis and a possible recession .
The Thrings Business Growth Hub was set up to support the SME community in the South West , recognising that they are the engine of the region ’ s economy . At a recent Business Breakfast at Cumberwell Park , Thrings ' Head of Commercial Kate Westbrook and Ramona Derbyshire , Head of Business Growth , led a discussion about steps businesses should take now to help navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead . Here is their advice .
1 . STAY CLOSE TO YOUR CASH FLOW We know from previous financial crises that those who plan well weather the storm better .
Talk to banks and funders so there are options if there is a future need for support . Examine forecasts and debt regularly and review your credit control processes . Small changes like sending polite reminders before due dates can help keep funds flowing .
Move quickly over late , large or critical debts – don ’ t put your head in the sand . Legal action is an option but having an eye on your customers ’ financial health and keeping the lines of communication open can help get the cash to you more quickly . Having robust contract terms that deal with late payment can also make it less damaging .
2 . PROTECT YOUR SUPPLY CHAIN We regularly see cases where a client has been unable to meet obligations to a customer because of a supplier fault . This can lead to frustrated customers and reputational damage .
Take a “ zoomed out ” view of your supply chain to spot potential pinch points , and make sure you avoid reliance on certain suppliers by having alternative options .
3 . REVIEW YOUR CONTRACTS For supplier contracts , ensure you have clear pricing , and that any price increase provisions are reflected in your customer contracts wherever possible , or can only be enforced with your agreement .
For customer contracts , pricing terms are important to allow you to increase if necessary . Ensure that you have the option to terminate a contract if your customer ’ s financial health looks like it might be struggling , before they enter into a formal insolvency event .
4 . HAVE UP TO DATE SHAREHOLDERS ’ AND DIRECTORS ’ AGREEMENTS Incorporated businesses and partnerships should have strong shareholder or partnership agreements that set out how you intend to manage your business and which will deal with challenges . They need to be flexible enough to move when the economy changes and can help overcome issues that can be distracting and lead to emotional stress for you and uncertainty for your business and its people .
5 . SAFEGUARD GROWTH AND IDENTIFY OPPORTUNITIES In a difficult climate there may be good acquisition opportunities available , and similarly there may be the chance to step into a competitor ’ s place if they are struggling . Being proactive , rather than waiting it out , can be the difference between surviving and thriving .
Look for opportunities , but be aware that some business will fail . Take professional advice early if there are any concerns .
The Thrings Business Growth Hub helps businesses thrive by providing practical business advice from commercial specialists . See www . thrings . com / business-growth
Advice for You and Your Business … Investment , Taxation and Pension Planning

Tel : 01225 742644 Corsham I Shaftesbury I Sherborne I Canford Cliffs

Peter Harding Wealth Management is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St . James ' s Place Wealth Management plc ( which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority ) for the purpose of advising solely on the group ' s wealth management products and services , more details of which are set out on the group ' s website www . sjp . co . uk / products . The ' St . James ' s Place Partnership ' and the titles ' Partner ' and ' Partner Practice ' are marketing terms used to describe St . James ' s Place representatives .