An average of £ 78k back into your business
businesses act as early as they can to prepare bids . The right grant won ’ t always be available but preparing answers , even before an appropriate funding round opens , means more time can be spent polishing the submission later , making it more likely to succeed .
Key elements to have in mind from the beginning include having a rough idea of how long the project will take and how much it will cost . You should also consider where your idea sits among other existing technologies , where you ’ d like to take your innovation by the end of the project and what your IP and patent strategy is .
Even at this stage , you need to consider the practicality of receiving the funding . Do you already have the staff you need to work on the project or would you need to hire ? Grant funders will want to be satisfied you know how you will successfully resource the project .
How can I keep track of all the grant funding rounds ?
Grant calls are issued regularly but , if you don ’ t know what you ’ re looking for , it can be difficult to react quickly enough when the right one comes along . Most grant consultants will offer a free grant finding service . It requires you to register but you get alerted when a grant appears that suits your needs . We scan the market every day for those companies registered with us .
How can businesses prepare for grant funding deadlines ?
There are no extensions and no second chances if you don ’ t get your application in on time .
Make sure you have a vision for your project and how you will explain why your company deserves a grant . The clearer you are on those aspects before a grant call is even open , the more time our team can spend enhancing your grant application to make sure it is what the assessors are looking for .
It is a fiercely competitive process . By being grant ready , you can be sure you will have a strong application that will stand out from the crowd .
What else is Catax doing to support innovation ?
We are one of the sponsors of November ’ s Techies Awards , which is open for entries right now and in its fifth year .
We are sponsoring the award for the most innovative tech solution . This could be awarded to companies who , for example , are using chatbots to revolutionise customer experience , or embracing technologies such as Augmented Reality ( AR ) or Virtual Reality ( VR ) to connect in an immersive way .
What else does Catax do ?
Catax is an innovation funding specialist , helping businesses at every stage of their research and development process . This includes helping them to acquire grant funding to get a project off the ground , or claim back tax relief for a project that has already been undertaken . We are experts in specialist tax relief and have helped claim back over £ 456m for our clients . We win millions of pounds of Capital Allowances back on commercial premises too .
@ Catax _ UK @ Catax _ Group
Catax Group
No risk-service .
If no grant or claim is identified , there is no charge .
The process is made simple . All we need is a couple of hours of your time , then our specialists will take care of the rest .
The experts in tax relief and grants services . The team has helped over 15,000 clients receive over £ 456 million back into their businesses .
An average of £ 78k back into your business
Contact us on : 0300 303 1903 email : enquiries @ catax . com or visit : www . catax . com