The cost of living crisis driven by the increase in energy prices has pushed sustainability to the top of the agenda . At work or home , whether to save money or save the environment , people are looking at ways to reduce their energy consumption and make more sustainable choices . And with a new King whose focus for many years before his accession was the environment and sustainability , the United Kingdom is entering a new era of green-thinking . In this issue , The Business Exchange looks at Wiltshire businesses leading by example when it comes to the green agenda .
Wylye Coyotes in Codford is a community hub aiming to set an example of sustainability and green-thinking . Bringing neighbourhood groups together through a range of activities and services , the organisation makes its income from the provision of childcare including breakfast , after-school and holiday clubs .
Surplus profits from these activities funds other non-profit initiatives which serve the community , such as a toddler group and a community café with an affordable menu for senior residents and families .
Embedded at the core of Wylye Coyotes is its ethos of sustainability . This approach is not only better for the planet but it will ultimately help to secure the hub ’ s longterm future .
The Codford Community Larder operated by Wylye Coyotes provides food donations from FareShare South West via Waitrose and a Community Champion at Morrisons . Local households also share surplus groceries . The whole idea is to stop food from going to landfill .
Director Kate Brayne explains , “ Since we started the larder in 2019 , we ’ ve collected 4,203 kilos of food that would have otherwise gone into landfill , the equivalent of 10,000 meals and 13,449 kilos of CO2 savings .
“ We try and educate our community that by collecting the food , they are saving the planet . It ’ s not about being greedy or taking stuff from other people , they ’ re doing something positive .”
Wylye Coyotes also has a community veg patch , allowing families without gardens to get green fingered and grow their own food .
Working with Swindon & Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership ( SWLEP ) has provided the hub with the advice and expertise it needs to develop its long-term green strategy and secure a sustainable future .
A series of SWLEP Growth Hub workshops including Going Green , Growing Your Green Strategy and Measuring have provided Wylye Coyotes with the information it needs to continue along its sustainable path . It has resulted in planned improvements to the Hub ’ s building , including energy efficiency measures such as upgraded insulation and the installation of solar panels .
To find out more about the Swindon and Wiltshire Growth Hub ' s Sustainable Business support visit : www . growthhub . swlep . co . uk or email : hello @ SWGrowthHub . co . uk
For more info : www . facebook . com / wylyecoyotes
" Since we started the larder in 2019 , we ' ve collected 4,203 kilos of food that would have otherwise gone into landfill "
18 www . tbeswindonandwilts . co . uk