Register as a Growth Hub member for free . Sign-up by visiting : www . growthhub . swlep . co . uk Digital engagement during COVID-19 March 2020-March 2021 225 Downloads 4,150 Pandemic webinar registrants 62,920 Total unique visitors 120,000 Page views 15,343 761 News hub newsletter distribution On demand viewers 894 1,777 Number of knowledge centre resources S & W community members 97 % increase 86 % increase 7,800 Social media followers 14 % increase A geographical breakdown of business support provided by the Swindon & Wiltshire Growth Hub Business support provided by area 3 % Melksham 3 % Warminster 4 % Westbury 5 % Devizes Swindon 32 % Bradford on Avon 3 % Salisbury 29 % 8 % Corsham 13 % Chippenham Support by city / town THE BUSINESS EXCHANGE 2021 17