The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 56: August/September 2021 | Page 10


Red Rose Technologies celebrates first year of business success

Chippenham-based Andrew Moules is the founder of Red Rose Technologies , a cloud and unified communications consultancy which launched during the first lockdown in 2020 . Red Rose Tech offers independent cloud telephone systems , unified communications , contact centre and cost consultancy working with businesses of all sizes and sectors .
Since the business was established in June 2020 , Andrew has built a carefully selected market-leading supplier network and has won privileged clients such as academy trusts , law firms and call centres .
Andrew explains ; “ I launched Red Rose Technologies following a 20-year career in IT and Telecoms , I have been lucky enough to build great relationships with some of the most established and upcoming names in the industry . I have managed many technology change
projects throughout my career , from a company with two users wanting their first telephone system , to multilocation , multi-technology projects for big household names .”
“ Last year I decided it was time to take my industry knowledge , experience and relationships and build something new and unique for clients who are looking to modernise their systems and procedures . Some said I was mad in the middle of a pandemic , but I have not looked back , and I am thrilled with the company ’ s success
so far . Our mission is to help organisations through an overcrowed technology and supplier maze and our tailor-made approach sees us run discovery sessions with each client to understand about their organisation , culture and future . We run system reviews and analyse current costs before going to market to find suppliers and technology that will meet our clients ’ requirements and budget . I act as my clients ’ eyes , ears and voice in the supplier network .
" For me it is all about building longterm
partnerships and I look forward to welcoming new clients and suppliers to the network as we continue to grow . We would love to work with more businesses in Swindon and Wiltshire forming part of our success story .”
To find out more about Red Rose Technologies visit : www . redrosetechnologies . co . uk or email : info @ redrosetechnologies . co . uk

PCH Business Support reaches quinquennial milestone

Paul Holmes is the owner of PCH Business Support which is celebrating its fifth anniversary this summer . Paul reflects on his business journey so far .
PCH Business Support was originally set up to run capital projects , funded programmes and providing general business advice and guidance , engineering , manufacturing , operations , strategic planning and more . As a new business owner , I had a lot to learn !
Since 2016 , PCH has grown significantly and is about to evolve to its next phase , adding 25 + associates under the PCH brand and moving from PCH Business Support to PCH Business Consultants . This will reflect the new structure , depth and width of experience the team will bring . Statistically this is a big moment , 80 % of new businesses fail within three years , 80 % of those that survive , don ’ t make it to five years . Putting PCH in the 4 % that make it .
The business has evolved over that period and it definitely wasn ’ t plain sailing early on when much time was spent building contacts , networks and relationships . The last three years have seen fantastic growth for the business and fantastic growth for clients too .
I continue to proudly work with a wide range of organisations , including Inspire , Fearless Business , Gloucestershire Growth Hub , as well as a close relationship to Oxfordshire LEP and Growth Hub . Most recently I ’ ve become a partner in Velocitech a new business accelerator wrapped around proactive accountancy .
Have I learnt some things during the last five years – very much so – here are my top tips :
• Outsource the things you don ’ t do well , focus on core strengths
• Get the message right , focus and find a niche – differentiate .
• Work with experts- they know more than you !
• Never stop learning - I normally have a long list of audio books lined up to keep adding more information .
My top five recommendations for development in business are :
• Design the business to run without you – you won ’ t achieve your business dreams if you don ’ t . I am creating the PCH Associate model to do exactly this , after my own extended periods of overwhelm .
• Set goals - specifically the business outcomes that will deliver your dreams .
• Don ’ t be afraid to ask for help when you are overwhelmed as a business owner , struggling with constant firefighting and stress - it ’ s a sign of leadership and strength .
• Design the business to be profitable - it is astonishing how many businesses I work with don ’ t do this !
• Build the team , processes , products and structure to deliver to hit the business goals – work backwards and define the steps required from that day .
PCH Business Consultants will launch formally in the next quarter and will continue to help organisations grow and overcome overwhelm , with a team offering a range of skills , able to address almost all business growth and development challenges .
Thank you to everyone who has helped me on the journey – I couldn ’ t have done it without you !
Interested in talking to PCH ? Do get in touch . Email : paul @ pchbusinesssupport . co . uk or call : 0771 500 8521
10 www . tbeswindonandwilts . co . uk