The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 55: June/July 2021 | Page 22



Our county is home to a diverse and talented range of home-grown businesses , artisans , artists and makers . From companies making waves across tech sectors to cottage industries pivoting in response to the pandemic , our home-grown talent is something to be proud of . Here , The Business Exchange celebrates just a few of the promising Wiltshire companies and individuals to look out for .

The Just Trying To Get By Studio

Established : June 2020 Location : Trowbridge Sector : Art Owner : Sam Beer
About : The Just Trying To Get By Studio ( TJTTGBS ) was started by Sam as a way of turning his hobby and passion into his livelihood .
TJTTGBS sells abstract art across the world to people who are looking for something different . From physical pieces such as paintings , soft furnishings or ceramic tile designs , through to digital artworks sold on the blockchain as Non-Fungible Tokens ( NFTs ), the Studio ’ s diverse portfolio has earned a loyal and growing fanbase .
Sam Beer , Founder , said … “ With nothing to lose and with everything to gain during the pandemic , I took the

The Secret Tea Party

opportunity to reflect on my skill set . I identified what I wanted to do , what would make me happy and , more importantly , what I wanted to achieve .
“ Being creative genuinely makes me happy . I love abstract art and with that in mind I decided to open my own studio and pursue a career in something I enjoy doing .
“ In terms of the physical pieces , I create artworks by pouring paint through a variety of tools onto a canvas or ceramic tile . This process creates unique patterns which I photograph as they reveal themselves , before blending or merging them into another . I repeat this step until I have the effect I ’ m after .
“ In addition , I use the photographs to create digital artworks , textures or patterns which can then be used for printing .
“ The aim of my work is to evoke an evolved state of pareidolia for my audience to enjoy . Extracting the infinite out of the finite , as they say .”
For more info : www . justtryingtogetby . com
Established : 2012 Location : Bradford on Avon Sector : Catering , parties & events Owner : Catherine Stokes
About : The Secret Tea Party has been running ‘ real-life ’ vintage afternoon tea parties at weekends since 2012 , mostly for hen parties . When the pandemic hit , cancelling events large and small , the business had to adapt to survive .
In May last year , Catherine started offering afternoon tea delivery boxes in Bradford on Avon , Bath , Frome and surrounds – and the move has proved to be a resounding success !
The business delivers good-quality , traditional home-baking at an affordable price , all packaged in a compostable box tied with a hessian ribbon .
Catherine Stokes , Founder , said …. “ Initially this was a means to survive the pandemic - I had to pay the rent ! My usual income is generated by events ( I run the
Bath Artisan Market and Abbey Quarter Market as well as organising vintage tea parties at weekends ). Things became quite nerve-wracking financially for me during lockdown , especially at the beginning .
“ I could also see that people really wanted to have afternoon tea delivered and it was something I could provide , so I went for it . I received so many lovely messages of thanks about how it has really cheered people up during a tough time , so it ’ s been a joy to be able to make a living while making people happy too . Win-win .
“ Initially I had a lot of people outside of Bradford on Avon sending their loved ones of all ages the gift of afternoon tea ; I ’ ve had people as far away as Australia , the USA and New Zealand order ! At the same time , people living in Bradford on Avon have heard about me and ordered for themselves or family .
“ As the restrictions are lifting , I am now having more requests for larger deliveries for people planning parties at home , so the business is developing a catering arm in addition to the gift delivery side .”
For more info : www . secretteaparty . com
22 www . tbeswindonandwilts . co . uk