Swindon & Wiltshire Innovation 4 Growth
Funding to support your business evolution
You might not call your plans for business change “ innovation ” – they are likely to be a response to the last 14 months , the challenges , and opportunities from a world in flux .
But if you are planning to implement new processes or techniques for existing or new parts of the business – or to start something completely new – we can help you with grant funding .
If you ’ re not sure that your project or business is a good fit get in touch – we are offering 1-to-1 calls to help with the narrative , numbers and plan and we can even provide feedback on draft applications .
This is a fund just for Swindon & Wiltshire , with a simple to complete application form and a dedicated team from UWE Bristol to support you , don ’ t miss out !
Visit : www . innovation4growth . co . uk Email : innovation4growth @ uwe . ac . uk
Swindon & Wiltshire Innovation 4 Growth is a business support programme delivered by UWE Bristol and funded by the European Regional Development Fund ( ERDF ). Swindon & Wiltshire Innovation 4 Growth will receive up to £ 760,000 of funding from the European Regional Development Fund ( ERDF ), as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds ( ESIF ) Growth Programme 2014-2020 . The Ministry of Housing , Communities and Local Government is the Managing Authority for ERDF . Established by the European Union , the ERDF helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation , businesses , job creation and local community regeneration .