The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 54: April/May 2021 | Page 28

Visit the SWLEP online at : www . swlep . co . uk

Peer Network programme set to continue for SMEs

Peer Networks is a Government-funded programme that has seen business leaders gather virtually in small , facilitated groups to learn from and support each other .
Discussions centre around significant challenges and opportunities faced by the business community such as Brexit and recovery from the impacts of Covid-19 , alongside other considerations such as HR , digital , financial and marketing issues .
Brea Woods , SWLEP ’ s Growth Hub Project Manager for Peer Networks , said that even with national tiers and lockdowns being introduced , business leaders still came together during these uncertain times . The Peer Network programme has allowed them to access support and advice to prepare for future growth opportunities and to ‘ build back better ’.
By working with business leaders who know and understand business , the groups have been able to improve their overall performance , discuss raw topics in a safe and trusted environment and build cohesive networking relationships .
Varied high impact delivery and real results are what sets Peer Networks apart from other networking groups . Business leaders receive practical , no nonsense guidance from other local businesses .
What have attendees been saying about Peer Networks
“ Discussing issues with my cohort has been supportive and encouraged me to think about the real possibility of employing an apprentice within the business .”
“ The support and guidance from our business mentor has been second to none . Their experience and ability to draw knowledge of the group has accumulated in high-quality insights and solutions .”
“ I look forward to my two-hour cohort sessions on a weekly basis . Via Swindon and Wiltshire Growth Hub and the group that gather , I feel supported , engaged and stronger .”
Business leaders across the SWLEP region found that seeking external advice or undertaking formal training was more likely to improve their overall performance , and that they preferred to take advice from their peers and the qualified business mentors who facilitated the cohort sessions . The eligibility requirement for SMEs to join Peer Networks are :
• Operated for at least one year
• At least five employees
• Turnover of at least £ 100,000
• Aspiration to improve
• Ideally has the potential to scale-up , export or is exporting already
Look out for the opportunity to sign up for Peer Networks 2.0 and join the next cohorts that will be available . Contact : brea . woods @ SWLEP . co . uk for further information .

Working with the SWLEP

In January 2019 , the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership ( SWLEP ) incorporated as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee . We enjoy a very good relationship with Swindon Borough Council and Wiltshire Council , who are key partners , but we are entirely independent of both local authorities . That independence and legal identity has enabled us to directly issue contracts for work totalling more than £ 10 million for capital projects and close to £ 5 million for projects to provide business support to increase the competitiveness of the SMEs in Swindon and Wiltshire .
We are a private sector-led organisation committed to the sustainable economic growth of Swindon and Wiltshire . Our Board has 16 Directors , 13 from the private sector and three from the public sector . Our vision is to ensure all of our communities benefit from inclusive and sustainable growth , making the Swindon and Wiltshire area world-renowned for its convergence of innovation , entrepreneurialism and great quality of life .
We are always looking for ways to engage with the 30,000 SMEs in or area . We are looking for business leaders who would like to be more involved in the work of our company . This involvement is likely to be in two ways .
1 . Sign up to be a member of SWLEP Ltd and be part of the group that holds the Directors to account . We use millions of pounds of public money to run our projects and welcome scrutiny of what we do , how we do it and how well we perform and make use of our funds . Membership does not involve a fee . We just require business leaders who are interested in this option not to be part of an organisation which currently provides a Director who is a member of the SWLEP Ltd Board .
2 . You may wish to help shape our strategies and plans . We have a range of groups which develop new projects and ensure existing ones run smoothly . These groups include :
a . Skills and talent ; b . Places , infrastructure and ideas ; and c . Business environment .
The time commitment in the membership role is up to four days a year and no more than six days for the strategy groups .
We do not pay fees , but when we do have face-to-face meetings , we cover travelling expenses .
I am keen to talk to any business leader who wants to find out more . You can reach me through LinkedIn , email : paddy . bradley @ swlep . co . uk or phone 0771 841951 .