The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 53: Feb/March 2021 | Page 12

Sadie Sharp , The Platform Project
Sadie is an entrepreneur who turned her corporate management consultancy on its head to launch an innovative social enterprise turning young people into employable entrepreneurs : The Platform Project . She lives in Swindon and after writing about her entrepreneurial ups and downs in her book “ Breakthrough ”, she spends her spare time mentoring other women aspiring to set up their own enterprises .
What do you choose to challenge ? I # choosetochallenge the misconception that women who have been successful don ’ t still have little self-doubting voices in their heads !
Why is International Women ’ s Day important to you ? I decided to start my first company at an event on International Women ’ s Day 15 years ago .
What do we still need to do for gender equality ? I believe it ’ s the responsibility of women who have forged a path in the world to act as a lighthouse for other women to do the same .
What did you want to be as a kid and did being female hold you back at all ? I wanted to be a marine biologist , then a lawyer , both in response to TV shows I loved ! I always felt I was fighting against female stereotypes when I was moving up through my career – all I ever saw were grey suited men . I felt like an imposter for many , many years .
What is your advice to your younger self ? And to empower other young women … Everybody has doubts , don ’ t let them hold you back . Learn to throw your hat in the ring despite your fears and see how far you can go . Always do what you think is right , even when it ’ s difficult .
Georgina Mclaren , Digital Wonderlab
Digital Marketing Executive
Georgina McLaren is a valued member of the team at Bradford on Avon-based , Digital Wonderlab . Georgina ’ s proud to work for a tech firm which is passionate about gender parity with three quarters of the team being female . When we ’ re not in a locked down world , Georgina volunteers as a Brownie Leader , helping to inspire the women of the future .
What do you choose to challenge ? I # choosetochallenge what it means to be a woman in tech .
Why is International Women ’ s Day important to you ? International Women ’ s Day is an opportunity to both celebrate how far we have come to fight for equality , but also raise awareness of how far we still have to go .
What do we still need to do for gender equality ? We need to continue to encourage women from a young age to take an interest in heavily male dominated industries . Only 16 per cent of people working in tech are women and this is a change that needs to start from a young age .
What did you want to be as a kid and did being female hold you back at all ? When I was younger , I wanted to tour the world with musicians as a tour manager . Music is an incredibly male dominated industry and I always knew it was going to be a challenge . I was fortunate enough to meet some brilliant women working in the industry to try and make the change and challenge that norm and fulfilled that dream as a freelancer .
What is your advice to your younger self ? And what are your tips to nurture the strong independent girls of the future ? Never give up and don ’ t stop dreaming . We are capable of far more than we know . Never underestimate the power that comes with being a woman that wants to make a change !
Stephanie Nunley , Bower Bailey Solicitors
Solicitor & Business Development Manager
Stephanie is a Solicitor and Business Development Manager at Bower Bailey Solicitors in Swindon . She was instrumental in setting up a regional group for female lawyers as well as serving on Bristol Law Society Council .
What do you choose to challenge ? I # choosetochallenge gender bias and inequality .
Why is International Women ’ s Day important to you ? It is an opportunity to celebrate the progress made in eroding gender bias and to look forward to make things even better together .
What do we still need to do for gender equality ? We need to eradicate discrimination by calling it out if it arises in the workplace and to raise awareness of discrimination to ensure fair pay . Discrimination is not acceptable and should not be tolerated in today ’ s society .
What did you want to be as a kid and did being female hold you back at all ? I wanted to be a politician and I was privileged to work in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and see European politics in action . I was able to improve my French and study Political Sciences at the same time . Being a woman hasn ’ t held me back in my career as I am fortunate to have qualified as a Solicitor . Whilst there are fewer gender barriers to entry into the profession unfortunately , I believe that there are still barriers to career advancement and pay . This needs to change in the future .
What is your advice to your younger self ? And what are your tips to nurture the strong independent girls of the future ? We are all stronger than we think so don ’ t waste time worrying or let other people ’ s opinions limit your aspirations . Do work hard to succeed but be mindful of your physical and mental health . Be kind to yourself .
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