By Fiona Scott
This year brought an event which none of us could have predicted and its impact has been so great for all of us , personally and professionally . It will be some time before the business community truly gets back on its feet . Here at The Business Exchange we will be with you all the way .
The news from 2020 was not all bleak . Some businesses have thrived by sheer luck that their product or service met needs in an unprecedented time . Some have ‘ pivoted ’ to |
provide their service or product in a different way and have survived by doing so – and some have changed what they do and how they do it dramatically . New businesses have |
been started and entrepreneurs have used adversity to be innovative . If nothing else this period of time has demonstrated the ingenuity , resilience , compassion and agility |
of the SME sector as never seen before .
Here are five different and positive stories to lighten the shade cast by the 2020 global pandemic .
Tracy Richards at Aqueos Care |
For more info : www . aqueos . co . uk |
Tracy , who lives with her family in Pewsey , set up her pet care company ten years ago offering dog and horse hygiene products . She had previously been managing director of a clothes wholesaler and was looking for a new challenge . Tracy has always loved animals particularly horses having ridden since a young age and having her own horses from her teenage years .
Tracy explained ,“ I ’ d been given some samples to try from a colleague on a product for the human dental market and it made me think that I could create the same sort
of product for horses and dogs . I went on to undertake a year ’ s research and development to create a range of hygiene products which are environmentally friendly yet with active ingredients to tackle nasties such as Parvo Virus , Strangles and Ringworm .
“ Aqueos has always been an organically growing business . It ’ s had a steady turnover for several years and then lockdown came . As things progressed I realised I could create more larger sized bottles all made in the UK . Our products are alcohol and bleach free and sustainable yet have active ingredients which
kill Covid-19 . Suddenly orders increased dramatically .”
As a consequence of the need for sanitiser products and Tracy ’ s strong supply chain the company ’ s turnover has increased by 100 per cent . This extra activity has deepened Tracy ’ s relationship with fellow Wiltshire businesswoman Claire Brewerton of the Virtual Business Centre . Claire and her team have been handling the increased volume of calls and orders .
Jon Monie , Actor , Comic Writer and TV Presenter
For more info : www . jonmonie . co . uk
Jon who lives near Trowbridge , is well known across the South West as a TV presenter and a regular member of the pantomime cast at Bath ’ s Theatre Royal . During lockdown his livelihood dried up totally .
“ As time went by it became clear that the pantomimes would probably not go ahead this year . Pantomimes are an expensive undertaking with a large cast and to cover the costs and make a profit about 80 per cent of seats need to be sold . That was not going to be possible with social distancing . Some funding has been released by Government to help with putting on pantomimes however the reach is limited . Many smaller theatres have gone for alternative , cheaper productions . Jon decided to do something about it .
“ Over the summer when it was hot and I found it hard to sleep , I decided to write a one-act pantomime . This would keep the panto season alive , be based on the true spirit of pantomime , and a one act show means it could run three times a day which makes it more financially viable under the Covid-19 social distancing rules . As the project evolved , I realised it could also have a life beyond Covid-19 . I ’ m thrilled with it .”
Pantomonium ! is a one-act festival of pantomime involving a handful of traditional characters including Fairy Tales ( the fairy ), KillJoy ( the villain ), Prince Charmless , The Unknown Village Girl from the Village Ensemble , the comic character Billy Topps and the Dame , Tilly Topps .
“ I wanted it to scream and shout ‘ pantomime ’ embracing all the stereotypes and referencing some of the most iconic productions we all love . It involves just four actors playing six parts . In my story the unknown village girl is central , moving away from the often weaker female characters and also the Prince is a bit of an idiot .”
Bath ’ s Theatre Royal was unable to stage the production as it could not secure insurance for the play and was not in a position to underwrite the production itself . However Blackpool Grand Theatre has embraced Jon ’ s script and is staging the first ever production through Jon ’ s collaborative producer in panto Martin Dodd of UK Productions .
Jon added ,“ I ’ m thrilled that the show is going to be shown to audiences in and around Blackpool and for me personally , I hope to earn some income from it too now and in the future . This has been a creative outlet for me during this very difficult time for many working in the arts .”
Jon ’ s comic writing has won him recognition across the UK and in 2019 he won the award for Best Script in the Great British Pantomime Awards for Beauty & The Beast . Pandomonium ! opens on 18th December ( all being well ).
David Speight & Bob Bradley of Scaled
For more info : www . scal3d . com / category / project-chameleon
The engineers behind tech company Scaled , David Speight and Bob Bradley , have used lockdown to get Europe ’ s first 3D printed electric vehicle ready for trials .
Based in Swindon , the pair have used their large-scale 3D printing technology platform to create the Chameleon : a fully-functioning prototype electric vehicle for a single passenger . The story of their innovation is set to go global . The pair believe over time such a vehicle , which can be customised , offers a sustainable and affordable alternative for certain types of transport .
Bob said , “ Our prototype can achieve speeds of up to 45 mph and we have also used high-strength recycled plastic which is an additional environmental benefit
8 www . tbeswindonandwilts . co . uk to the electric vehicle aspect . In theory it should be possible to manufacture ecological light vehicles from materials that are currently dealt with as waste .” The Chameleon has the potential to appeal to :
• The person who doesn ’ t need to drive long distances .
• The person who lives alone or who has access to another vehicle for family use .
• The person who needs to use a company vehicle for short journeys during working hours .
• Security firms who need to patrol in a defined area or around a defined site .
• Travel hubs requiring short distance passenger transport eg airports or railway stations .
• Staff who need to move between multiple buildings across a large site .
David said ,“ The use of recycled plastic , which is strong , helps the circular economy because it means plastics can be recycled and used to create a long-lasting vehicle .”
The vehicle was created on the team ’ s Chameleon Platform which is a manufacturing cell , including robotics . Scaled was set up five years ago as a tech start-up to give the UK market access to large scale 3D printing .