The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 52: Dec/Jan 2020 | Page 40

... and now for the WINNERS !

Chipside is a leader in the world of parking and traffic management IT . It is a specialist software development company providing products and services to around a quarter of local and regional government traffic authorities in the UK . This means that Chipside works with over 130 local government authorities throughout the UK , delivering smart city initiatives to villages , towns , cities and regions .
Paul Moorby OBE , Managing Director of Chipside , was thrilled the company won this award . He said , “ We entered the awards this year as part of our commitment to the community . As a rural employer , based in Brinkworth , we sometimes forget in our busy lives that just taking part in award competitions can give our team and our village a well-earned boost .
“ Flying the Flag is a cherished award . It means we are trusted to represent our area and our sector on the world stage . We also know that our fellow businesses in Swindon and Wiltshire expect us to be the very best we can be . It inspires us . It pushes us to be better . It reminds us that Swindon and Wiltshire is a special place for tech and that we fly the flag not just locally , but nationally and internationally too .
“ The excitement about entering would have been followed by getting some of our team to the awards night . Sadly , not a get together and meal this year , but many logged on to the virtual ceremony . The tuck bags were a great idea and the whole finals night was the talk of the office the next day .”
The other finalists in this category were : digital wonderlab and New Elements .
Royal Wootton Bassett ’ s Intuitive Systems & Networks Ltd ( ISN ) is a leading IT solutions and cyber security provider focused on helping businesses choose , implement and maintain the most effective IT technology to support their business goals . Independent of any technology supplier , they only recommend industry standard , best of breed technology solutions and best practice services developed from over 25 years of experience .
Judge , James Eades of Systemagic said , “ Having worked in the tech support sector for 20 years it was extremely tough to judge this category . The eventual winner , ISN , demonstrated scale , development and growth and is therefore a very worthy winner .”
Founding Director of ISN , Richard Titheradge , said , “ It is a huge honour for the ISN team to be awarded the coveted ‘ Best Tech
Support Service ’ award for the second time ! We last picked up this accolade in 2018 and it is absolutely fantastic that the ongoing efforts of the support function of our business have been recognised again . I would like to personally thank everyone who gets involved in support activities for our customers . Day or night , we are there for our customers doing everything we can to keep their businesses running .”
The other finalists in this category were : Excalibur and Mintivo .
FUTURE TECH SUPERSTAR sponsored by the SWLEP Ed Goodall , Mintivo
Judge Paddy Bradley , CEO of the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership , said , “ Ed Goodall of Chippenham-based Mintivo is the Future Tech Superstar of 2020 . He follows in the footsteps of Leon Johnson of Render in 2018 and Daniel Curran of Infinity Nation in 2019 .
“ At the age of 20 , Ed is demonstrating the skills and aptitude of tech superstardom and already has a catalogue of great achievements to his name . At age 11 , he created an augmented reality app , which was listed on the Apple Store , where he was the youngest app developer approved by Apple in the world .
“ Ed is in his first year at Mintivo and is already developing ideas and improving business processes which are fundamental to the success of the business . He has created an automated process to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Mintivo ’ s ability to build laptops to meet customers ’ individual needs , whilst ensuring consistency of quality and removing risk of human error . Every business aims for high quality and maximum efficiency and Ed is helping Mintivo achieve that .”
This was the first time Mintivo had entered the Wiltshire Techies . Managing Director of Mintivo , Chris Gough , said , “ We hadn ’ t entered the Techies before , so didn ’ t know what to expect . To be finalists in three categories was mind-blowing and for Ed Goodall to win Future Tech Superstar was amazing .
“ I think what made Ed stand out was just how much he has achieved at such a young age . He holds a senior technical position with Mintivo , at only 20 years old ! This just goes to show how clever , dedicated and passionate he is about his career . His breadth and depth of technical knowledge is absolutely incredible . It ’ s a huge boost for the team to win and especially to Ed during what has been a very busy , but different and challenging year .”
The other finalists in this category were Ben DaCosta , InfiLED and Cameron Livingstone-Elder , Priority IT .