The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 52: Dec/Jan 2020 | Page 3


Editor & Founder Anita Jaynes anita @ tbesw . co . uk 01793 847966
Editorial Support Ben Carey press @ tbesw . co . uk
Special Features Fiona Scott Fiona @ fionascott . co . uk
Design Juicy Designs www . juicy-designs . co . uk
Artwork Studio Creative Services www . studio-cs . co . uk
Printed by Acorn Press www . acornpress . co . uk
Advertising Sales Sian Swift Business Development Manager Sian @ tbesw . co . uk T : 07710 566 145
Follow us on Social @ TBESW The Business Exchange South West tbeswindonandwilts businessexchangesw
© The Business Exchange South West Limited 2020 . Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that adverts and articles appear correctly , The Business Exchange South West Limited cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication . The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of its publisher or editor . All rights reserved . This publication is copyrighted and no part of this publication may be used or reproduced without the written permission of The Business Exchange South West Limited .
Readership : 15,000 Our audience :
56 % business owner / director level 44 % partner , manager or senior executive
Disruptive tech from Wiltshire set to revolutionise plastics industry
04 Business News 10 SWLEP 13 Finance 17 Creative Thinking 32 Commercial Property 40 Connect
As I reflect on 2020 I feel a whole host of emotions , from grieving for a year ‘ lost ’, to being thankful that my business has survived it . Forever the optimist , I want to concentrate on the positive things this year has brought us and the highlights of our year at The Business Exchange . Highlight 1 : A heightened sense of community . In the depths of lockdown , our ‘ Lift-off from Lockdown ’ series connected 100s of people and businesses and helped us all to feel a sense of togetherness whilst apart . We tackled everything from where to get PPE and financial support , to agile working and mental health . Highlight 2 : Being ‘ in this together ’ helped us to forge even stronger relationships . Highlight 3 : Pivoting through lockdown . We were delighted that we could find a
The Growth Hub : Reborn for Regrowth
08 New Year , New Hope 31 It ’ s all about the people
The Techies 2020 Top tech teams celebrated - Lockdown didn ’ t stop us
way to continue to print and serve our readers through lockdown . We posted 10,000 magazines free of charge to people ’ s homes and gave them a reason to escape from their screens . It was fantastic to read all of the thank you messages as they came in on social and by email . Highlight 4 : Continuing to grow our business and readership . In the early months of lockdown we saw a 360 per cent increase in our web traffic and a rush of sign-ups to our newsletters , which we stepped up in the depths of the crisis . We ’ ve also attracted over 20 new advertisers this year . Highlight 5 : This one is still to come ! I can ’ t wait to host Reward , our award scheme recognising the amazing work of our region ’ s charities and not-for-profits in 2020 ( read page 36 to find out more ).
This edition concentrates on further
More news at : www . tbeswindonandwilts . co . uk and www . tbebathandsomerset . co . uk
In Profile Hugh Anderson , Downton Distillery
30 10 Minutes With ... Polly Rathbone Ward
39 John Davies , Is it me ?
2020 ’ s Not-for-Profit Stars Revealed Reward finalists announced
positives found in this challenging year . Read our ‘ New Year , New Hope ’ feature on pages 8-9 and find out how lockdown didn ’ t stop us celebrating the best in Swindon & Wiltshire Tech at the Techies Awards 2020 – see pages 20-24 .
A HUGE thank you to everyone who ’ s supported The Business Exchange this year . I wish you a merry Christmas . Roll on 2021 !
Anita Jaynes E : anita @ tbesw . co . uk T : 01793 847966