The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 50: Aug/Sept 2020 | Page 9
Tech-led accountancy firm Purple Lime has been awarded
Gold Champion status by software brand Xero.
Based in Corsham, but working with
clients across the South West and London,
Purple Lime is a tech-based accountancy
practice which puts Xero at the heart of its
operation. Founder Oli Thomas decided
being a Xero partner was essential even
before he started the business with former
director Angela Ashworth.
Oli said, “When Xero appeared on the
scene, I knew it was a gamechanger for
the sector and it was one of the reasons I
decided it was time to leave my previous
employment and set up Purple Lime.
“Xero was a disruptive technology which
is modern, responsive, provides real time
data and showed early on that it would be
compatible with a range of apps to help
business owners access their numbers on
a daily, hourly or even second by second
basis if needed.”
When Oli set the business up in 2016,
his small team were early adopters of
Xero. They have now been given Gold
Champion Status which means the
team have increased the number of
organisations using the software through
the firm and have shown a commitment to
continuous training to keep up to date with
innovations in digital accounting. Xero will
continue to assign an account manager
to work directly with the team ensuring
they have a direct line in to Xero’s support,
marketing and development teams.
Purple Lime has now expanded to a
team of ten – usually based at their HQ
at Hartham Park. Currently the team are
fully operational working mostly from
Oli added, “It’s been a busy time for
us, though we appreciate there are many
businesses which are having a very
difficult time at the moment. I’d like to
thank all of our team for knuckling down
and helping us achieve this ‘moment’ at
one of the most challenging times the UK
economy has ever faced.”
Purple Lime provide an outsourced
finance department for SME business
owners using cloud technology enabling
them to have real time financial data when
making important strategic decisions.
To find out more contact Oli and the team
by visiting:
or call: 01249 691 360
One of the South West’s most influential
business leadership organisations, Business
West, has launched a finance hub to help
businesses faced with an increasingly complex
lending landscape to decide what sort of
finance options work best for them before they
consult an investor or lender.
With business finances pushed to breaking
point as a result of lockdown, the Business
West Finance Hub provides an impartial and
unbiased information and signposting service.
Business West Finance Hub is a
comprehensive resource for South West
businesses, laying out in a straightforward and
easy to understand way the funding options
that are available and how to access them.
Business West’s access to finance
specialist Ed Tellwright works alongside
innovative companies to help them secure
the finances needed to fund business growth
and expansion. He said, “From crowdfunding
and venture capital to the range of new
government finance options available due
to Covid-19, the marketplace for business
finance is complex and confusing.
“Choosing the right financial option when
considering a new venture, acquiring stock or
a capital investment can be complicated, and
many businesses often end up with the wrong
financial solution which is not entirely right for
them in the short, medium or long term.
“Responding to this need, we have
launched the Business West Finance Hub
to help guide businesses and point them
in the right direction, by answering key
questions regarding finance options, eligibility
for schemes and applications, as well as
providing detailed information on how to
access less mainstream forms of finance such
as peer to peer lending.
“The Business West Finance Hub provides
honest and impartial business advice minus
the confusing jargon or hard sell.
“With many businesses’ finances now on
a knife-edge due to Covid-19, a resource like
this from a trusted source such as Business
West is needed now more than ever.”
To access the Business West Finance Hub
and learn what finance options are available
for your business visit:
| I N V E S T M E N T P L A N N I N G
| I N T E R G E N E R A T I O N A L P L A N N I N G
| T A X & E S T A T E P L A N N I N G
| R E T I R E M E N T P L A N N I N G
| L O N G T E R M C A R E P L A N N I N G
T: 01225 742644 | M: 07894 876784 | E: [email protected] | W: