The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 50: Aug/Sept 2020 | Page 32


Westbury sponsored by Priority IT

Westbury is an ancient Wiltshire parish and is also mentioned in the Domesday Book . It ’ s home to the most famous of the county ’ s white horses , The Westbury White Horse which is believed to be about 300 years old . It ’ s a former mill town on the edge of the chalk downs which form Salisbury Plain . Its market dates back as far as 1252 and today it has a population of about 18,000 .
Supporting Westbury ’ s independent retailers , shops and businesses is the town ’ s leading IT solutions provider Priority IT .
This team works with business owners as their outsourced IT partner keeping their companies online , on track , secure and ready for the future . During lockdown this socially-conscious company has been sourcing , repairing and preparing laptops for children across Wiltshire who have found home-schooling a challenge because they have no access to tech at home .
Kieran Thomas , Managing Director , said , “ We love local because we are a local company with big
ambitions and yet we ’ ll never forget the town and the county which is our home . We have to work together to support each other at all times – however that ’ s particularly important now .
“ By collaborating , by using local suppliers and by shopping with local independent traders we will face the future stronger , as well as ensure variety and innovation are at the heart of Wiltshire ’ s business community – and at the heart of Westbury itself .”
Priority IT , of Unit 4 , Mill Lane , Hawke Ridge Business Park , Westbury , proudly celebrates all of Westbury ’ s independent businesses .


1 . SUAVE 31 Warminster Road , is a wine bar and coffee house . It ’ s run by Shelley and Nick who offer live music and open mic nights as part of Suave ’ s mix . Kieran said , “ I enjoy a nice cold , crisp glass of sauvignon blanc here .” Find out more here : www . suavewinebar . co . uk
2 . THE HOLLIES INN 55 Westbury Leigh , is a bar , restaurant and offers accommodation . It serves traditional British fayre and has an outside seating area . Kieran said , “ Check out the pudding club and real ale !” Find out more here : www . theholliesinn . com
3 . THAI ORCHID 26 Warminster Road , is a Thai restaurant and takeaway . Kieran said , “ They do a mean extremely hot red curry .” Find out more here : www . thaiorchidwestbury . com
4 . DAVIES OF WESTBURY 24 Davies Street , is an extremely handy home and garden hardware store . It also has a cookshop and sugarcraft section for all you bakers out there . Find out more here : www . daviesofwestbury . co . uk
5 . ELLIOTS TRADITIONAL BUTCHERS 4 High Street , is a traditional butcher offering the finest cuts from West Country farms . It also offers a fresh milk vending machine and delivery service . Find out more here : www . elliottsbutcherswestbury . co . uk
Visit The Business Exchange website and follow the # LoveLocalWilts hashtag on social media from Saturday 5th September- Friday 11th September as we put the spotlight on more Westbury businesses thanks to Priority IT .
Call : 01225 636000 or email : info @ PriorityIT . co . uk
Friendly , efficient support delivered online , on the phone and on-site
Follow us on Twitter : @ PriorityIT or Facebook : PriorityITwiltshire