The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 45: Oct/Nov 2019 | Page 14

GOING GREEN HOW GREEN IS YOUR BUSINESS? By Fiona Scott Do you ever consider the environmental impact of your business, however large or small your company may be? Do you think about the impact of your premises, your people, your energy use, your travel needs, you? Futurists are suggesting companies with a strong social purpose and ethics will thrive in the future and being ‘green’ or ‘eco’ aware is often listed as an ethic which will attract future employees and consumers. Just take a look at the writings, talks and videos of Gerd Leonhard to name just one commentator on the future (one of his films is here: ) Evidence around climate change and our impact on our planet have been heavily documented in the media this year, with the activity of movements such as Extinction Rebellion gaining global recognition. There’s a lot of discussion about ethical fashion and the People & Planet University League Table for 2019 was recently published and it may surprise you which university topped the table. Was it a Russell Group name? No. It was just down the road at the University of Gloucestershire (in Cheltenham) which is the top of the tree (excuse the pun) for all universities for its green practices judged against 13 separate criteria. What about business though? The Recycling Technologies government is hoping for maximum visibility this year during Green GB (and NI) Week between Monday 4th November and Friday 8th November. The theme for the week is ‘clean growth’ and there will be a range of national events bringing together business, academia, government and ‘civil society’ to explore ways to achieve clean growth. Green issues are important to many Wiltshire businesses too, here are just a few who have built the environment into their business offering. NSBRC Another Swindon business which is very active around the ‘green’ message is the Swindon- based National Self Build & Renovation Centre, based at junction 16 of the M4. On Saturday 9th November, the team will be holding an eco-workshop around heating and energy to help people be more energy efficient within their own homes. Recycling Technologies RT7000 plastics recycling machine One company planning to become very visible during the week is Swindon’s Recycling Technologies based on the South Marston industrial estate. This company is one which is at the forefront of innovation when it comes to recycling. Founder Adrian Griffiths and his team have developed a machine, the RT7000, which can chemically process plastics which would otherwise go to landfill or for burning, into a crude oil type substance known as Plaxx. This can then be used for making other products. It can recycle hard to deal with plastics such as film, food bags and crisp packets. Sophie Gilham, head of sustainability & environment, said, “We are thrilled UK technology and Swindon are leading the way 14 in creating a more sustainable pathway for plastics. As a contributor to a clean-tech future, we look forward to supporting Green GB Week in November to engage our already passionate employees, to benchmark our internal resource management and resource usage, and set goals that we seek to achieve in the future.” Recycling Technologies is preparing to build its first commercial RT7000 which will be installed in Perthshire, Scotland next year. It’s hoped this will be the first of many RT7000s operational around the UK and globally. At the moment, according to the latest available figures, 28 per cent of all energy use comes from domestic consumption yet only 12 per cent of that use comes from renewable sources. Harvey Fremlin, MD, said, “The National Grid has recently confirmed that between January and June this year, the UK, for the first time since the Industrial Revolution, obtained more power from clean zero- carbon sources than from fossil fuels. “We believe self-builders are leading the way on this. Typically they will use more insulation and install higher performing heating systems.” The 9th November workshop is free to attend (though attendees must register) and will involve experts talking about eco-friendly products and services including heat pumps, ventilation, solar and underfloor heating. To find out more about the workshop and to book on visit: