The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 45: Oct/Nov 2019 | Page 11
J U I C e
r e C r U I t M e N t
H o t
o f f
emma summers
founder & Ceo
t H e
P r e s s
Vicky Kingston
Managing Director
JuiCE RECRuitMEnt AppOintS ViCKy KingStOn AS MAnAging DiRECtOR DuRing
ExCiting pERiOD Of gROWth & DEVElOpMEnt
Juice Recruitment has appointed Vicky Kingston as its new Managing professionals to add further value to the recruitment, retention and the
Director, effective from September 2019. She succeeds founder Emma engagement process, it’s exciting times ahead for Juice and its team.
Summers who will become the company’s Chief Executive Officer,
as the leading South West recruitment company builds on its track Emma Summers, Founder and CEO says: “Having built Juice over the last
record of sustained growth. twenty years, there was only ever one person that I wanted to manage the
Whilst Emma with Vicky, will be responsible for the strategic development so pleased to see Vicky take the business into even more successful areas –
of the organisation, Vicky will continue to build on the company’s reputation exciting times!”
organisation for me and that was Vicky. Championing Juice’s journey, I am
for an outstanding service by directing the day-to-day business operations,
Vicky will be overseeing the development plans to further expand the South
including its branches across the South West.
West recruitment firm with investment in extensive hires and new business
Since its formation in 1998, Juice has grown to be one of the South West’s
wins. Utilising her wealth of experience to develop Juice, Vicky comments:
leading and most well recognised and respected recruiters. Recruiting top
talent to the region’s most prolific businesses, Juice’s focus has always been “Throughout my years in the recruitment industry, I’ve always had a great
on providing an exceptional recruitment service alongside develop long- belief in how recruitment should be conducted. Juice is one of the very few
standing client and candidate relations. recruitment companies that has achieved this vision through long standing
relations, excellent service delivery, an engaged committed and loyal team
Vicky who has been with Juice since 2009, most recently as Sales Director,
and a desire to make a difference in the South West recruitment area.
will move into her new role in September and has a clear structure and plan
to develop Juice’s product and service even further. With a strong focus The business has had an incredible growth story and since joining I have felt a real
on learning, training and development, a new graduate training scheme, a sense of shared purpose and support. I’m extremely excited to be responsible for
push into further locations and a partnership plan with HR consultants and managing Juice Recruitment’s impressive journey moving forward.”
BaTH ]
01225 447870
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01242 210410
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