The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 43: June/July 2019 | Page 24
Making WordPress work for you
A definitive guide to WordPress & SEO by Boson Web
Boson Web designed our very own Techies website. In this
two-part article Boson provide their top tips to getting the
most from your website.
With its robust, user friendly content management system
(CMS), WordPress allows you to easily add content to your
website to keep it regularly updated.
It is important for WordPress users to understand and
utilise Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) techniques. Here
we give you our simple guide to ‘best practice’, giving you
a better chance of appearing higher on the list of results
returned by search engines like Google.
How does Google find my website?
Google constantly searches for new pages and adds them
to its list of known pages. Once a page is discovered, Google
tries to understand what the page is about. The process is
called indexing. Google analyses the content of the page
which helps to determine its Google ranking. When a user
types a query, Google tries to find the most relevant answer
from its index.
Where do I start? Choosing your keywords
Keyword optimisation or research is the starting point for
anyone wanting to focus on SEO and improve their Google
rankings. This is the process of researching, analysing and
selecting the best keywords to drive traffic from search
engines to your website.
Keyword optimisation is critical – if you do a bad job selecting
your target keywords, all your subsequent efforts will be in
As a starting point for keyword research, you should think
about the core values behind your website and what your
website visitors might be searching for. For example:
• What products or services do you offer?
• What search terms might your visitors/ customers use?
• Try brainstorming a list of broad topics related to your
organisation and use keyword tool websites to find specific
keywords within your topics
• Look at your competitors and the keywords they’re
Your keyword strategy will be based upon your findings from
your keyword research and will inform how you target your
keywords now and in the future.
Choose your title
A title tag is essentially the title or heading of a web page.
Title tags are displayed on search engine results pages as
the clickable headline for a given result. They are important
for usability, SEO and social sharing.
The title tag of a web page should be an accurate and
concise description of a page’s content and should include
your keywords. This is the most important piece of content on
your website to help Google point people in your direction.
Google typically displays the first 50-60 characters of a
title tag so make sure your heading isn’t too long as some of
your keywords may not be displayed on search result pages.
WordPress SEO techniques are good practice, but there
are many factors which can affect search ranking. This
information gives you a good foundation, but it doesn’t
guarantee your website will be on the first page of Google
search results.
Think about your links
When adding content via WordPress it is important to
consider your links and how to incorporate your keywords
into them.
Links, sometimes known as anchor text, are the elements
of clickable text on a website. On WordPress you can
highlight parts of your text and add a hyperlink to direct
readers to another URL.
As part of the indexing process, Google crawls websites
by following links, internal and external. Where possible try
to make sure your clickable text contains your keywords and
avoid using generic terms such as ‘click here’.
There are five main types of link:
1) Internal Links – An internal link will send visitors from
one place to another within your website. Google uses these
links to crawl your website and index your content.
2) Inbound Links – An outbound link (also referred to as a
back link) is a hyperlink on a third-party web page that points
to a web page on your site.
3) Breadcrumb Links – Breadcrumbs are hyperlinks
appearing as a navigation tool as part of the website’s design.
Breadcrumbs typically appear horizontally neat the top of a
page, providing links back through the page hierarchy.
4) Navigational Links – Navigational links are the internal
links on your website which help your visitors to find what
they’re looking for.
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5) External Links – These take your visitors to other
websites. When you place an external link on your page, be
sure to click ‘Open Link in a New Window box’. That way,
when users click on a link, they won’t be navigated away
from your site.
Read the August/September edition of The Business
Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire to find out about
optimising your website images and using the
WordPress Plugin, Yoast.
For more info:
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01225 309690