The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 39: Oct/Nov 2018 | Page 25

TECHNOLOGY REVVED UP EFFECTIVE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT, AND BUILDING IT PARTNERSHIP RELATIONSHIPS In a fast-moving environment characterised by constant change, the need for businesses to continually innovate by optimising their IT infrastructure has never been greater. means integrating IT systems which can often require the help of specialist consultants. These experts should come equipped with years of knowledge and industry experience; they can help mitigate any teething pains like shipping errors and provide professional advice on best practice. Harnessing future technologies While it may still be in its infancy, those ‘in the know’ are fully aware that the Industrial Internet of Things is what will truly change the consumer experience. “The best IT partnerships are those that inspire more than just technological change throughout the business...” bad habits of doing “as they have always done”. To these companies, innovation can seem like a hill too steep to climb. Instead, they sit at the bottom waiting for transformation to happen. Yet, if they only sought the support of a trusted supplier, positive change would come in a number of ways. Switching the focus The best IT partnerships are those that inspire more than just technological change throughout the business. Your IT partner should share a customer-first focus while promoting behavioural change at every level of the organisation. Rather than simply presenting the latest, cutting- edge technology on a silver platter, a strong IT partner will work to understand your unique needs; they will centre their approach around the requirements of your business. Building effective IT partnerships can make all the difference between a booming balance sheet and frustrated customers. If done right, these relationships can inspire a new way of thinking as both parties collaborate to achieve the same goal: customer satisfaction. Ensuring smooth deliveries Getting products in the hands of your customers is the lifeblood of any consumer goods business. By investing in a futureproofed delivery and tracking system, these companies can be fully in control of the distribution and stocks of their products. However, building a relationship with a distributor usually Though the market is not yet fully equipped at present to switch to an IOT model, the British government recently launched an initiative to have the UK fully fibre optimised by 2033. If the UK’s infrastructure is up to the challenge, the move will be inevitable. For businesses looking to gain a competitive advantage, seeking out p artners to mutually innovate will see early adopters reap the benefits of the new model. In fact, a fully internet-enabled supply chain could become almost entirely self-sufficient, removing the need for additional costs elsewhere and creating a welcome boost in productivity thanks to seamless data interoperability. central authority over the blockchain and it’s extremely scalable, this technology can positively impact everything from warehousing to delivery to payment. Creating positive change By collaborating with businesses to implement new technological solutions, IT partners can assist in boosting productivity by establishing a foundation that enhances communication and simplifies a number of complex processes. As well as saving time, a reliable relationship with an expert IT supplier can allow a business to cut down on operating costs. While certain organisations may be reluctant to innovate for fear of disruption, heavy reliance on outdated technology and inefficient processes is a one-way ticket to a customer exodus as they flock to a competitor in search of a more efficient service. In today’s hyper-competitive, hyper- connected market, partnerships have taken on even greater strategic importance and complexity. Striking up a reliable IT partnership can make the difference between gaining the advantage and falling behind; it can help you keep your finger on the pulse when it matters the most. Transforming supply chain management The integration of this digital ledger into the supply chain and logistics industry will be revolutionary to say the least. Considering the complexity lack of transparency of our current supply chain, blockchain offers a logical solution. Naturally, partnerships have begun to start forming regularly as companies seek to be the first on the bandwagon. In April this year, for instance, banking giant Santander partnered with Ripple Labs Inc to enable cross border payments that enabled savings of between 40 and 70%, while shaving the processing time from 3 days to just under three seconds. While it is yet to be widely adopted, the potential that blockchain technology holds in injecting a strong dose of transparency and efficiency into today’s complex supply chains is clear. Since there is not one Nathan Baranowski, Managing Director, ojo solutions Here at ojo solutions we are transformation experts. We help organisations to see the change, be the change and live the change. Through our unique blend of consultancy, digital design and development skills we will not only enable your transformation journey but build a platform for continual improvement. Whatever your need, we are here to help make it a reality. After all, digital transformation is no one-and-off exercise: it’s an on-going journey that allows organisations to drive efficiency throughout every stage of the product lifecycle. If they are to retain their competitive edge, business leaders must strike up and nurture strategic, long-lasting relationships with external IT experts who can help them get from A to B with minimal disruption. Naturally, this is easier said than done: stuck in a sense of routine, many businesses are quick to fall back into THE BUSINESS EXCHANGE 2018 25