The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 37: June/July 2018 | Page 31

Growing pains ? Make sure your office isn ’ t one of them

People spend half of their waking life at work . Therefore , making sure it ’ s as comfortable and pleasant as possible for your staff is of the utmost importance .
Not only does a pleasant working environment help to boost productivity , but by law , each and every employee is entitled to a minimum amount of floorspace to work in , and as their employer , this is something that you ’ ll be required to provide .
Even if your office does provide your staff with enough space , it could still be time to move if you find yourselves tripping over furniture , cramming documents into full cupboards , and struggling to find an area in the building to hold client meetings !
Upscaling your office isn ’ t just important for legal requirements , however ; getting your office right can bring a lot of value to your business . Providing a nice and spacious place to work doesn ’ t just increase your employees ’ morale and productivity ; it also makes it easy to recruit more staff and having a large enough workplace will also give you room to grow and ensures its fit for purpose . Here are the top signs you ’ ve outgrown your office , and should be considering a change of scenery .
You have more staff than you do space Employees sharing desks or having to work in close proximity to each other is a sure-fire way
of making them have disagreements over desk space and start to notice that their desk mate has a bad habit of chewing noisily , bringing in smelly lunches , or over-aggressively typing .
If everyone can smell what the boss is cooking , this is a big sign that you need to move ; and you might even be breaking the law . According to Regulation 10 of the Workplace ( Health , Safety , and Welfare ) Regulations 1992 , your staff should be provided with a minimum of 40 square feet of floorspace each . To check if your office is big enough , just divide the total volume of the room by the number of people that would typically be working in it ; if this is under 40 square feet , then it ’ s time to look at relocating .
Navigating your office is like completing an obstacle course Cramped furniture and piles of bundled wires doesn ’ t just look messy ; they present a legitimate health and safety risk ! So , although the office tough mudder team may enjoy an office that looks like the final event in Gladiators for a few days , the Health and Safety Executive may not find it so amusing .
As well as providing each employee with 40 square feet of space to work in , you ’ re
also legally required to ensure that they have enough space to move around both comfortably and safely . As an employer , it ’ s your duty to prevent anything that can put your workers at risk of tripping , slipping , or falling , and you ’ ll be held accountable if an accident were to arise in the workplace due to a lack of space . So , take this into consideration when assessing if you need to move offices !
Your local coffee shop has become the default meeting room Holding meetings in your local coffee shop can provide a much-needed break from the confines of the office , and it can be a nice gesture to take a client out for a coffee during a meeting . However , although this is a good option for more casual meetings that don ’ t require privacy , you ’ ll need to have your own meeting room if sensitive information is being discussed .
To combat this issue , choose a bigger space with meeting rooms , or even rent a serviced office ; they ’ ll be able to provide them for you !
You can no longer hear yourself think Finally , one easy way to determine if you ’ ve outgrown your office is to check the noise levels . Sure , a little background noise never
hurt anyone , but if you ’ re struggling to hear the rest of your team during discussions ( or you ’ re simply struggling to hear yourself think ), let ’ s face it ; your workforce isn ’ t exactly going to be the most productive ! Wearing earphones to work isn ’ t always an option , unfortunately . So , if you find yourself faced with this issue , then it ’ s time to find a bigger office space .
Rombourne ’ s Kingston House provides premium serviced offices with a vast range of options to suit all business requirements . Ideally set on junction 16 of the M4 on Lydiard Fields Business Park , why not book a viewing and take that next step in either a larger office or perhaps the first office .
“ We are more than just a serviced office provider and pride ourselves on not only the professional service we deliver , but the sense of community spirit we encourage within our centre ” – Danielle Mottram – Rombourne ’ s Kingston House Centre Manager Contact Danielle Mottram on dmottram @ rombourne . co . uk or 01793 683550 or visit www . rombourne . co . uk where you can view a gallery of images and see a video tour of Kingston House .

We take care of the office so you can take care of business

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Premium Serviced Offices Lydiard Fields , Swindon , SN5 8UB



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