The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 35: Feb/March 2018 | Page 12


10 Minutes with Robert Millbourn , partner at Bower & Bailey Solicitors

Robert Millbourn is the head of Accident and Injury Compensation at Bower & Bailey ’ s Swindon office . This year sees Bower & Bailey mark 45 years since its head office opened in Oxford and Robert celebrates 18 years working with the firm in Swindon .
Robert ’ s reputation for being the local legal expert in accident and injury compensation stems from Bower and Bailey ’ s presence in Regent Circus in Swindon and his varied expertise . He is widely known for his ability to handle both high value complex cases and less severe injuries , many of which are caused in the workplace and on the roads . Robert ’ s knowledge and expertise ensure that he is very often recommended by previous clients .
What does your role involve ? My clients come to me injured and often worried about how they are going to obtain the best medical help , pay their bills and get back to work . Added to this they will have no idea about making a claim for compensation , what it will cost or what money they are likely to receive in their hand . I guide my clients through the claims process to ensure that they receive the maximum compensation that they deserve . I don ’ t act for clients that I cannot see in person , as I think it ’ s important to be in front of someone speaking plainly about what has become a complex process , made more difficult by unqualified claims handlers and government overregulation .
What do you enjoy most about your role ? Accidents and entitlement to compensation is not always straightforward . I enjoy the challenge of investigating a claim often reconstructing the circumstances of an accident to prove who was responsible . You can never underestimate how awkward insurance companies can be in trying to avoid legitimate claims . I strive to achieve the best possible outcomes for all of my clients and it ’ s always a real pleasure when a case is concluded and the client has been awarded the compensation they deserve .
What is the most challenging part of your job ? Inevitably dealing with fatal accident claims are always challenging . I am committed to providing legal expertise and supporting claimants through the claims process as compassionately as possible . I also can take over cases from other firms where clients become worried about why their claims are failing to progress . Problems are often caused when difficult cases are given to unqualified / unskilled support staff . If I take on a case it stays with me until it ’ s concluded correctly .
What would your advice be to an individual who has been injured in an accident that wasn ’ t their fault ? I would always suggest seeking face to face advice from a qualified solicitor and most firms offer free initial consultations . Avoid relying on remote TV schemes and claims management companies where you will have no idea who is helping you . People often don ’ t see themselves as entitled to make a claim . “ I was only the passenger / pedestrian / cyclist and don ’ t have insurance .” Or “ my manager says I ’ m not allowed to claim because the accident was my fault .” It no longer surprises me that my client ’ s perception of who is entitled to what is out of step with reality . Again , a simple call or meeting will explain if you have a claim .
The legal landscape for personal injury claims is changing with particular difficulties for the victims of road traffic accidents . What are the planned changes in the law ? New conservative government legislation planned for the end of 2018 will raise the small claims limit for Road Traffic cases to £ 5000 and put in place fixed tariffs for soft tissue injuries following Road Traffic Accidents . Both of these significant developments will deter the innocent victims of accidents from bringing claims . It will be a challenge to make economic sense of the new process making it even more important to go direct to an expert solicitor .
If you have any questions Robert Millbourn can be contacted via email : rmillbourn @ bowerandbailey . co . uk or by calling 01793 610466 .
For more info : www . bowerandbailey . co . uk
@ bowerbailey
Local expert legal advice for you , your business and your family
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Cambridge House , 4 College Court , Regent Circus , Swindon , Wiltshire SN1 1PJ
T : 01793 610466 F : 01793 511505 www . bowerandbailey . co . uk
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